Timeless Macedonia

Язык Болгарский, Английский, хорватский, Русский, Serbian
Стоимость 220 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 2 дня

This tour will provide you with a rich experience of the history, religion and tradition that has shaped Macedonia throughout the centuries. With a combination of traditional Macedonian cuisine, superb wines and hospitality, you will discover the beauties of Macedonia that will leave you etching for more.

Firstly, you will discover the gem of Macedonia, a city positioned beside a lake that has been declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO, the 'City of Light' Ohrid. Then you will explore the 'City of Consuls' Bitola, the town under Marko's towers "Prilep"and finish with tastings of Macedonia's mouth-watering cuisine that includes a rich array of dishes and superb local wines from the biggest wine region in South Eastern Europe - Tikvesh


Day 1: Skopje- Ohrid

Departure from Skopje at 08:30

Sightseeing around S. Naum area and lunch.

Departure for Ohrid and sightseeing of: castle, museums, churches.


Overnight in Ohrid

Day 2: Ohrid-Bitola - Stobi- Skopje

Departure for Bitola at 08:30 and sightseeing of: Bitola area(theater, museum, city center, Monastery Traskavec).

Departure for the Ancient City "Stobi" Sightseeing: winery Stoby with light snacks, ancient city Stobi.

Departure for Skopje and end of the tour.

Hotels are 4stars

+much more, brochures of detailed tour can be sent on email and will be given upon arriving.

Where and When:

Meet up location: Door to door service.

End location: Door to door service.

Duration: 2 days

Optional: 1 extra day to one of the neighboring countries(Albania Greece, Bulgaria), price after contact.

What's Included:

Wine tasting with a winery tour

Private transportation during the whole tour (car with full insurance)

Me as your qualified and experienced English speaking tour guide

All entrance fees

Boat ride on Crn Drim springs


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