Balkan Discovery Tour

Язык Болгарский, Английский, хорватский, Русский, Serbian
Стоимость 400 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 5 часов

3 Countries / 5 Day Tour(Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria)

The Balkans is a region that includes countries on the Balkan Peninsula in the southeast of Europe, including most of the former Yugoslavia.


Day 1, City tour of Tirana and Duress and back to Tirana in the


Day 2, Visit Kruja and Berat . Having city tour of Berat, stay overnight

in Berat or Ohrid

Day 3, Drive to Lake St. Naum Ohrid , tour around and stop in Bitola, optional Ancient city of Heraclea and visit one of the wineries and drive to


Day 4, City tour of Skopje and Matka canyon lake ,

Day 5 Drive to the Monastery Ivan Rilski, after that to SOfia final destination

What's Included:

· Licensed English speaking tour guide.

· All museum and church entrance fees.

· A full transportation with car for the whole tour.

(door to door service)

· (optional) Boat ride to Vrelo Cave in Matka Canyon.

What's Extra:

Accommodation, food and drinks.

Meeting Location and Tour Duration:

Meeting location: Door to door.

End location: Door to door.

Duration: 4 days

Duration comment: Tour time can differ to customer's request.


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