Lagos City -Mainland and Islands- 6 Days Tour

Язык Английский, Французский, Итальянский
Стоимость 2300 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 6 часов

" Lagos Nigeria is a destination with diverse appeals, that stimulates the discerning mind of travelers across her assets of uncommon vegetation, land forms and cultures. A truly untainted African destination, the melting pot of rare Negro traditions, cultures and traditional religions! Herein are panoramic pre-historic heritages, relics, arts and artifacts. Little wonder Lagosians and Nigerians are acclaimed to be the happiest people on earth. Seeing, is believing…"

TOURISTS: MINIMUM 1- max 10 PERSONS (traveling together), Please enquire for bigger groups.

TOUR COST: based on the number of hours involved. read below info for breakdown

DESTINATIONS: Lagos mainland: Badagry Nigeria: Ikeja, Lagos Island: Victoria Island, Lekki.

DATES OF TRAVEL: Valid from : 3RD JANUARY 2016 - Dec. 31st 2017.

Day 1:

*Lekki Conservation/Center (safari bird watching, wild live viewing)

4 hours

*Visit to the National Museum

2 hours

Day 2:

*Visit the Arts & Craft Market for a variety of locally made goods.

3 hours

Return to hotel or any location of your choice within Lagos.

Day 3:

*Lagos boat cruise

Trip description: trip will have us spend two to three hours on the boat

The boat cruise timing will be determined by weather situation as shall be communicated by cruise captain.

Day 4:

*Visit Badagry slave trade site

5 hours

*Fela shrine


Day 5: we would drive through Lagos Island, Victoria Island and Lekki peninsula areas of the city with stopovers at Brazilian Quarters, Bar Beach, Tinubu Square and Isale Eko the old section of the city.

Day 6: more tours to other destinations within the locality. The Civic centre with its three banqueting rooms (Grand Banquet Hall, Panoramic View Hall, Floating Restaurant), and two Meeting Rooms.

Tour includes:

- airport pick up and drop off

- Transportation

- entrance fees

- Logistics

- Your private local tour guide.

- Invitation letter/documents for visa acquisition.

Note: The cost of the tour package is customisable and subject to the number of tourists. Please enquire if your party is bigger than 10 pax.

our Type: Adventure / Active, First Time Visitor, Museums / Culture, Nature and Wildlife

Transportation Method: A private chauffeured air conditioned car SUV, pick up and airport transfers.

Activity Level: High

Friendly: Yes.

you must be able to get in and out of car

Kid Friendly: Yes. Children are welcome under parents supervision

Language(s): English (fluent) explanation

Maximum travelers: 10


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