3 Days Desert Tour from Marrakech

Язык Арабский, Английский, Французский, Испанский
Стоимость 150 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 3 дня

Marrakech Private Desert Tour

Day 1 : Marrakech – Ait Ben Haddou Kasbah – Roses Valley – Dades valley.

Departure from your accommodation in Marrakech , Take the road to Dades valley via high atlas Mountains “ tizi n tichka “ , left the main road to visit Kasr Ait ben Haddou ; The most old Kasbah in the south of morocco , it’s listed by Unesco . after discover this Kasbah by walking , lunch will be in Ait ben Haddou . then countune the road to 1000 kasbah “ dades valley , dinner and overnight at your Hotel .

Day 2 : Dades Valley – Todgha Gorge -Merzouga Desert Sahara.

In the Morning start our day with new energie to the big Sand Dunes of Morocco (250 m) “Erg Chebbi” , by visiting Todgha Gorge , lunch in Tinjadad. Arriving Merzouga Sahara Dunes , ride Camel for one Hour and enjoying Sunset get to the camp “Berber Tent “ by crossing the golden sand dunes . in the night enjoy the fire and starry sky with tradionall music . dinner and overnight in the camp .

Day 3 : Merzouga – Draa Valley – Ouarzazate – Marrakech

In the early morning before sunrise you will be woke up to climb the sand dunes for Magical sunrise ,then ride camel back to the hotel for shower and breakfast . back to Marrakech passing through many villages as Tazzarine , Nkob , Ouarzazate . Arriving Marrakech drop you off at your accommodation .


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