3 Days tour to Merzouga

Язык Арабский, Английский, Французский, Испанский
Стоимость 385 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 3 дня

Day 1: Ouarzazate – Skoura – Kelaa M’Gouna – Rose Valley – Dades gorges – Boulmane – Todra Gorges

In the morning, we will leave Ouarzazate towards Skoura where we have a short visit to the Amredhyle Kasbah, which is one of the wonderful views of the thousand kasbahs of the south. “We will continue our journey through the Valley of the Roses where cross 50 km off the road on the way to visit the Valley of Ait Youl Kasbah. we will go to the Gorges of Dades through Boulmane where we have lunch, we will go to the Gorges of Todra via Tinghir with its fabulous views.

Dinner and overnight at a hotel in the middle of the gorges.

Day 2: Todra Gorges – Tinjdad – Touroug – Erfoud – Merzouga

After breakfast, we will go through palm plantations Tinjdad Tinghir arrival at Tinjdad we stop for lunch before crossing Touroug palm plantations reach the town of Erfoud includes a visit to his workshop local fossil craft. We will continue the fascinating dunes of Erg Chebbi, which are the dunes of Merzouga. Let’s change our vehicle for camels, where they will be taken on a camel ride through the desert to enjoy the sunset on the dunes, and then continue to the Berber tents where we will have dinner and overnight in the heart of the dunes .

Day 3: Merzouga – Rissani – Alnif – Tazarine – Draa Valley – Agdz – Ouarzazate

We get up arly in the morning to enjoy the sunrise in the desert dunes before returning camel ride back to the hotel where we will have breakfast and departure to the palm plantation of Tafilalet passing Rissani which is the capital of age sahara Alawite Alawites sultans of old. We will continue to Alnif where will stop for lunch, then continue to Tazarine, Tansikht and Nkob Oasis. Finally we will go to Ouarzazate by the road through the Draa Valley and the Berber village of Agdz Ait Saoun Pass at 1660m altitude.


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