Borobudur Sunrise Tour 3 Day/2 Night

Язык Английский
Стоимость 380 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 3 дня

Day 01 :

Pick you up from Airport or Train Station and go direct to Manohara Hotel to stay in.

Day 02 :

Pick you up early in the morning at 04.30 am and go direct for Borobudur Sunrise,The Tour Guide waiting the guests in Lobby Manohara to prepare the Entrance Fee, spend time +- 2 hours in the temple and go back to Manohara Hotel for take a shower and take breakfast in Hotel after that ready for check out and go direct to Mendut Temple + Silver Factory + Lava Tour Mount Merap by Jeep + Prambanan Temple after that go for check in Hotel at Yogyakarta.

Day 03 :

Pick you up at Lobby hotel at 08.30 am and ready for check out and go direct to visit Sultan Palace + Water castle + batik Factory + Beringharjo Market and drop at the Train station or Airport, Tour Finish.

Note :

1. That price is all included except Lunch and Dinner + Ticket Ramayana Ballet (Optional)

That price included all transport for 3D/2N, Hotel Manohara and Hotel in Yogya, All Entrance Fee, Jeep in Mount Merapi.

2. The price does not exist in high season for Tourist like as New year and Idul Fitri rate, so please call first for high season.

3. If the guest early arrival in Yogyakarta like as arrival at 06.30 am or under 10 am the tour packages could be changes.

4. During tour day 02 if there is still any time and any schedule for Ramayana Ballet at Prambanan , we can take time for Ramayana Ballet, but the price is not included (Optional)


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