Two Brothers Hill-Vidigal Track: Small Groups

Язык Английский, Французский, Португальский, Испанский
Стоимость 85 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 4 часа

Description Summary

Walk 0.75 miles (1.20 kilometers) to the top of the hill enjoying flora, fauna and a panoramic view. On the way back, observe Vidigal School, an initiative of plastic artist Vik Muniz and much graffiti created by children and local artists.

Detailed Product Description

Rio de Janeiro is possibly the metropolis with the largest number of bird species. In the ascent to Dois Irmãos Hill, you can observe the daily flow of some species moving from Barra da Tijuca towards the ends of Guanabara Bay. Watching and listening to the song of these birds is already a beautiful program in itself. Observe the creativity of gardening with the use of existing scrap in the Vidigal Ecological Park. Tires, pet bottles, and bicycle rims turned into stairs, walls and tables. Admire the panoramic view of the Cagarras Islands, the beaches of Leblon, Ipanema, Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas shaped like a heart, São Conrado beach, viewing the Pedra da Gávea and Pedra Bonita, and the slopes of the Tijuca Forest, particularly those of Christ the Redeemer. From the top of the hill, you can still see the layout of the first car racing circuit in Brazil. In the 1930's, the chosen venue was the Circuito da Gávea, a street route that surrounded Morro Dois Irmãos, following Av. Niemeyer and Estrada da Gávea, where today is the neighborhood of Rocinha. Due to the difficulties of the route, the Gávea circuit ended up receiving the nickname Trampolim do Diabo-Devil's Trampoline.

Pope John Paul II visited the community in 1980 and addressed the church, known today as the Pope's Chapel. At the time he donated a gold ring to the community. More recently, artists and architects, among others, have chosen to integrate with the community, bringing their initiatives. This is the case of Vik Muniz, a Brazilian plastic artist with works in international sites, who decided to invest in a school of arts and technology for the education of children between 5-8 years old. Unlike other schools, the so-called Vidigal School will make use of an experimental method developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), one of the most respected institutions in the world, which seeks to place the child in the role of art producer.

According to observers, Vidigal is analogous to a Mediterranean village similar to Positano in Italy and Santorini in Greece. The aesthetics of the buildings of these villas by the sea becomes the main attraction. Some architects find it a real challenge to deal with little space and ventilation between houses in a steep geography like that of Vidigal. The artistic vocation of the community gained momentum with the founding of the theater group “Nós do Morro”, by the actor and journalist Guti Fraga, in 1986. The group formed several generations of actors, and gained worldwide recognition on account of the movie “City of God”. About 50 actors participated in the filming. Other movies had the participation of the group “Nós do Morro” as Tropa de Elite and Tim Maia. Another local initiative, the “Instituto Todos na Luta” (All in Fight Institute”), serves around 120 children in Vidigal teaching citizenship through sport.

What's included:

• Upon request, by message, you can pick-up and drop off the group at the same lodging location, within a 15 kilometer radius of the meeting point, including the cruise port, at a previous time that allows us to arrive at 07:50 at the meeting point

Not included:

• In advance, you can schedule lunch and enjoy a typical home-cooked meal at the residence of one of the locals. If the group prefers it, finish the walk in one of the places that serves drinks and snacks with a view of the sea

Additional Information

• Please wear light clothing and bathing suits, carry backpack, water, snack, hat, shoe or hiking shoe, carry repellent and sunscreen

• During the visit to some communities, please give preference to the acquisition of water in the place. In this way it will be encouraging the commerce of the residents

• By opting for this package, you will be contributing to local initiatives, since part of the revenue will be directed to one of the NGOs. In this way, you will help stimulate good practices in sustainable tourism, respecting local identities, preserving the environment, fauna and flora, fostering culture and generating income and employment in the community. For this reason, the leading guides are accredited by the Ministry of Tourism

• In advance, you can schedule lunch and enjoy a typical home-cooked meal at the residence of one of the locals or places that serves drinks and snacks.

Meeting Point:

Meeting Point:

Meeting at 07:50 at Hotel Copacabana Palace, Av. Atlântica, 1702, CEP 22021 001, Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro.

Start of the tour at 08:00. End of tour at 12:00

Hotel pick-up Description:

Note: Upon request, by message, the group can be picked up and dropped off at the same lodging location, within a 15 kilometer radius of the meeting point, including the cruise port, at an earlier time that allows you to arrive at 07:50 at the meeting point.

Drop-off/End Point:

Note: Upon request, by message, the group can be picked up and dropped off at the same lodging location, within a 15 kilometer radius of the meeting point, including the cruise port, at an earier time that allows you to arrive at 07:50 at the meeting point.


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