Yerevan - Tbilisi or Tbilisi-Yerevan Transfer and Tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 320 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 10 часов


Yerevan – Lake Sevan – Town Dilijan – Odzun Church – Haghpat & Akhtala – Monasteries – Tbilisi

If you are in Tbilisi (Georgia) and you require Transfer to Yerevan (Armenia), or you are in Yerevan and you have to get to Tbilisi, then this is the right tour for you. Use the time and opportunity to also see the cultural heritages on the way. pay just a bit more than a taxi and travel in luxury SUV accompanied by a professional English speaking guide. As a result you get to your destination not exhausted but amazed by the beauty of our both countries.


Transportation in a very comfortable luxury SUV (Toyota Sequoia limited)


My Guiding Service and Assistance

Free wifi in the car

Airport transfer one way


Meal (lunch will be approximately 10$ per person).


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