Biking Day Trip Oukaimden To Imlil

Язык Арабский, Английский, Французский
Стоимость 160 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа более 10 человек
Длительность 5 часов

In a beautiful landscape of Oukaimeden (winter ski resort) with sandstone you will enjoy this magical area and its plateau, engraving rocks, this is the starting point of your Adventure day out, short uphill to get to Tizi n’Oukaimeden from where you will admire stunning views over Atlas Mountains snow capped summits & Berber valleys, down to Tinghar via a mule path crossing Juniper forest and Oussert valley, lunch near the river and then cycle up to Tachdirt villages, great views over the gorges & several Berber villages along the valley, end of the uphill, flat section to Tizi n’Tamaterte pass (2279m), another spot for breathtaking views over Imlil valley & Toubkal summit, down either via the road or single track to Imlil, mint tea at the riad Jnane Imlil and then return transfer to Marrakech.

Grade: Strenuous (only for experienced bikers)

Duration: 1 day.

Services included:

English speaking MTB guide.

All meals Bottled water & orange jus.

Bikes (Vario Havana, Rockrider or Gazelle).

Transfer from & to Marrakech 4x4 for assistance


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