6 days Kilimanjaro climb via Rongai route

Язык Английский
Стоимость 1395 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 6 дней


This route located eastern side of the mountain and its begins just south of the Kenya-Tanzania border through farmland and forest to several other climate zones,adding interest to the trek.

There are magnificent views over the Kenyan Plains and genuine possibilities for wildlife viewing.This route normally takes 5,6days,however we highly recommend 7days to allow more time for acclimatization.

DAY 1: Meet at Kilimanjaro International Airport and drive to your hotel, rest for a while and later meet your guide for gear checking and briefing.

DAY 2: Drive from hotel to Marangu gate then Rongai gate and hike to Simba camp

DAY 3: Hike from Simba Camp to second cave then Kikelelwa camp

DAY 4: Hike from Kikelelwa camp to tarn hut Camp

DAY 5: Hike from Tarn hut Camp to Kibo hut or school hut

DAY 6: Hike from Kibo hut to Uhuru summit and descend to Horombo hut

DAY 7: Descend from Horombo hut to Marangu gate and drive to your hotel

DAY 8: Drive you from your hotel to Kilimanjaro international airport or join for safaris

Day 1: We will meet and drive from Kilimanjaro International airport to your hotel in Moshi rest for a while and later meet your guide for gear checking and briefing about the mountain. Also our guide will go through our camping gear and demonstrate the use and operation of all equipment especially emergence oxygen cylinder and pulse ox-meter, Our guide as well will explain signs and symptoms of various mountain sickness which might happen while trekking.

Day 2: Drive from hotel to Marangu gate then Rongai gate and hike to Simba camp 3000m: Today we will drive about 1 hour from hotel to Marangu gate for registrations and collect entrance permit afterward we will keep driving about two hours to Rongai gate. You will have lunch and meet your Kilimanjaro crew, After hiking will start through crossing village of Nalemuru fields of maize and potatoes before entering the alpine trees forest. The climb is consistently and gently through attractive forest that shelters a variety of wildlife like blue monkeys and black and white Colobus monkeys.You will reach the first campsite at the edge of rain forest and overnight.

Day 3: To Second cave then Kikelelwa camp 3650m: Today after breakfast we will start steady walk ascent up to second cave for lunch, We will be able to seeing Kibo peak and eastern ice fields from the crater rim. After lunch we will walk in gentle area for two hours to Kikelelwa for overnight.

Day 4: To Tarn hut 4330m: After break fast we will start with short steep climbing up grass slopes,which are rewarded with superb circular views and tangible sense of wilderness before reaching Mawenzi Turn hut for lunch. After lunch we will do an nature walk for acclimatization to the slopes of Mawenzi and back to the camp for dinner and overnight.

Day 5: To Kibo hut 4727m/School hut 4750m: Today we will trek crossing the saddle area between Mawenzi peak and Kibo peak and it will be our last water point and on our way we will be able to see the remain of plane crash,and we will stop at the middle of alpine desert for picnic lunch before getting to the camp for earlier dinner and earlier sleep wait for the summit.

Day 6: To Uhuru summit 5895m and descend to Horombo Hut 3727m: Around 11:00pm you will wake up for tea and some snacks and dress up warm for the summit, The summit will start with gradual ascent through volcanic scree meet zigzag trail starting to getting steep and keep moving to crater rim known as Gilmans point 5685m rest for a while and headed to Stella point 5756m rest for a wile again for pictures and view of sun rise also we will join other hikers from Barafu base camp and join together heading to Uhuru peak 5895m. At the summit we will stay for 10-15 minutes for pictures and view and start descending back via the same trail to Kibo hut for resting, brunch and after descend to Horombo hut for overnight.

Day7: To Marangu gate 1890m: After breakfast we will descend to Marangu gate about 18 km for 4-7 hours, Crossing moorland and rain forest zones, You will sings out in Kilimanjaro national park log book collect our certificate and enjoy your hot lunch. After lunch you will meet eastland adventures Kilimanjaro crew for group pictures and Kilimanjaro songs after we drive you to your hotel in Moshi for long hot shower and Kilimanjaro beer.

Day 8: Drive you back to Kilimanjaro international airport or join Safaris


-Kilimanjaro entry and camping fees

-Kilimanjaro rescue fee

-Two nights Moshi town Hotel before and after climb

-Crews guide/cook/porters salaries

-All transfers from Moshi to Kilimanjaro national park and back to Moshi.

- Full board accommodation in tents on a daily basis of trek such food and water.

- Service of an English speaking guide

-Camping equipment such as sleeping tent, Mess tent, Camping chairs, table and sleeping Mattress

-Private mobile toilet

-Airport transfer from and to Kilimanjaro international airport

-Emergence oxygen cylinder


-Extras at the hotel i.e. drinks, telephone, laundry etc.

-Tipping (recommended)

-Personal gear (available for hire)

-Insurance Documents


-Visa (100USD for American citizen and 50USD for non American citizen)

-Immunization Papers (Yellow fever recommended)


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