Best Price 12D Adventure in Uzbekistan

Язык Английский, Французский, Русский, Испанский
Стоимость 1090 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 1 неделя 5 дней

12DAY Tour

Day 1: Flight from …TO TASHKENT

Depart … for the overnight flight to Tashkent.

Overnight: In flight


On arrival in Tashkent you will be transferred to your hotel. Tashkent is the capital of Uzbekistan and rightfully claims to be the biggest and most cosmopolitan city of Central Asia. The sightseeing tour includes visits to Chorsu Bazaar in the old part of Tashkent, Kukuldash Mosque and Khast Imom, Place of Independence, Amir Temur Square. Overnight: Shodlik Palace Hotel Or Similar, Tashkent.

Day 3: TASHKENT – NUKUS Flight to Tashkent early in the morning. Arrival in Nukus. Transfer to the hotel for putting the luggage in the rooms. Drive towards Muynak, the Aral Sea. Visit the cemetery of boats, Mizdakhan memorial complex. Return to Nukus. Overnight in Nukus.


After the breakfast visit the museum Savitsky which holds one of the biggest collections of the artworks of Soviet Union. After the visit drive towards the city of Khiva. On the road visit the ancient fortresses of ancient Khorezm. Lunch in a traditional nomadic tent. Arrival in Khiva Night in Khiva.

Day 5: KHIVA

Breakfast. Transfer to the Domestic Airport of Tashkent to take the morning flight to Urgench. Transfer to Khiva (35km). Full day trip for discovering the fantastic cidatel in Khiva which counts more than 250 monuments protected by the state and UNESCO. Overnight: Khievak Hotel Or Similar, Khiva.

Day 6: DRIVE TO BUKHARA (450km)

Breakfast. Drive to Bukhara. During the drive you will enjoy outstanding landscapes of the Kizilkum desert. You will arrive in Bukhara by the end of the day. Free time. Overnight: Hotel A S L Or Hovli Poyon Or Similar, Bukhara.

Day 7: BUKHARA (visits)

After breakfast you will start a tour of Bukhara which included visits to: Ismail Samoni mausoleum, Kalon complex, Miri Arab Madrassa (16th century), Ulugbek and Abdilazizkhan Madrassa (17th century) and Magoki Attory Mosque, Lyabi House complex, Ark Fortress and Chor Minor. Overnight: Hotel A S L Or Hovli Poyon Hotel Or Similar, Bukhara.

Day 8: BUKHARA (visits)

Today you will be taken to see some of the sights outside Bukhara, including the Nakshbandi Mausoleum, Chor Bakr and the Sitori-Mohi Khosa palace. Overnight: Hotel A S L Or Hotel Sasha & Son Or Omar Khayam Hotel Or Similar, Bukhara.


After breakfast you will take the road towards Shakhrisabz which is another most visited city of Central Asia. Shakhrisabz was a motherland of Tamerlan and has a few interesting monuments to see before arriving in Samarkand. Arrival in Samarkand by the end of the day. Free time. Overnight:Hotel Malika Classic Or Similar.

Day 10: SAMARKAND (visits)

Breakfast. Full day dedicated for visits in Samarkand: the famous Registan Square (with the 17th century Madrassa Sherdor, Tilla Kori and the 15th century Ulugbek), Gur Emir-Mausoleum, Shakhi Zinda Necropolis and the grandiose Bibi Khanym Mosque, Bazar Siab. Overnight: Dilshoda Hotel Or Similar.

Day 11: SAMARKAND (visits)

Breakfast. You will have a half day tour to visit : Uughbeg Obsevatory, Silk Factory of Samarkand, Silk Paper workshop, Museum Afrosiyob. Afternoon you will have free time for revisiting your preferred spots. Overnight: Dilshoda Hotel Or Similar.

Day 12: SAMARKAND – TASHKENT (260km)

Breakfast. In the morning you will take the road towards Tashkent. Arrival in Tashkent by 13:00. Transfer to the hotel. Free time.

Overnight: Ramada Hotel Or Similar.

Day 13: Transfer to the airport. Flight from Tashkent to …

Tour price includes:

- Accommodation in double occupancy, including breakfast + early check-in;

- Transportation with A/C, throughout the whole trip;

- Escort guide;

- Visa support to Uzbekistan; - Entrance tickets to museums / monuments;

- photo and cameras in museums;

Tour price does not include:

- Consular fees

- Air-tickets for domestic flights (Tashkent - Nukus);

- Full board

- Hotel charges for additional services;

- International flight tickets;

- Personal insurance and any items not mentioned above;


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