Pamukkale and Hierapolis Tour From Istanbul

Язык Английский, Tурецкий
Стоимость 200 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 5 часов

Come with us to this thermal spa to find out why today its thermal waters continue to attract thousands of visitors every year, making it one of the most visited attractions in Turkey

Give him his day in their sight with the natural phenomenon of limestone pools and be enchanted by its charm. also visit the ruins of the ancient city of Hierapolis.

where upon arrival to pamukkale will be waiting for our guide to start the tour.

Our guide will lead you to these places together were proclaimed World Heritage Site by Unesco.

Pamukkale, meaning literally in Turkish is '' Cotton Castle '' is one of the most important monuments that the nature of Turkey has to offer. It consists of a series of limestone terraces formed by the action of the hot springs that create a waterfall. The water contains a high concentration of carbonic acid and lime, which emerges as the particles settle and form these unique terraces, and falls as it flows downhill form stalactites, waterfalls and basins. There are only a handful of these strange formations around the planet, and you have to see to believe. The contrast with the rest of the landscape is breathtaking.

Nearby are the ruins of Hierapolis, where the Roman baths converted into a church during the Byzantine period, the Baths and the Roman Theater and a well-preserved ancient thermal baths, which have been restored and turned into an archaeological museum. Other attractions include the Temple of Apollo, the Necropolis and the Ninfeo, in addition to the fourth-century basilica.

The important thing about this site is its vast necropolis and is buried here are the remains of many of the patients who came to heal on its hot springs and failed. Each grave tells a story and are small masterpieces.

You will also have time to walk Pamukkale and bathe in its waters, reflect and rejuvenate even in its waters. Time also to enjoy the pool of Cleopatra (ticket not included)

After the tour and time, transfer to airport for flight back to Istanbul.


- Licensed guide by the Ministry of Tourism during all tour.


-Transfer Hotel-Airport-Hotel

- Transportation with A / C Van (non-smoker) and driver

- Domestic flights Istanbul-Denizli-Istanbul

- Any entrances to museums and sites to visit

- Lunch

- Beverages

- Personal expenses

- Tips


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