Mumbai Full Day City Highlights

Язык Английский
Стоимость 200 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 8 часов

Mumbai: Private Full-Day City Tour


Enjoy a private tour of Mumbai with the chance to create your own itinerary

Discover the Gateway of India

Visit some of Mumbai's bustling markets and experience everyday life in the city

See the heritage buildings of the Regal Circle

Marvel at the world's largest open-air laundry

Explore the Kala Ghoda Art Precinct

Description Summary

See the highlights of Mumbai on a private full-day tour, and discover the best parts of the city with a local guide. Benefit from a flexible itinerary that can be customized to your needs, and see sights such as the Gateway of India and much more.

Full Description

Get to know Mumbai with a local on a private full-day tour by air-conditioned vehicle, and see all the major monuments along with some hidden sights. Benefit from a flexible itinerary that can be adjusted to your needs and interests, including the duration of the tour and the activities you want to do. You will see all the attractions you would on an ordinary tour, but you will also get a personal insight into the things that make Mumbai so great.

Inform Me if you have any special requests, and then sit back and relax as you explore the city's many attractions. Discover the Gateway of India and its surrounding area, admire the heritage buildings of the Regal Circle, explore the Kala Ghoda Art Precinct, go to Gandhi's house at the Mani Bhavan or visit Crawford Market to experience the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Take a drive to Malabar Hill to see Mumbai’s upscale residential district and enjoy spectacular views of the city, be mesmerized by the world's largest laundry at the Dhobi Ghat and much more. The full itinerary covers all of Mumbai's must-see places, but i will be happy to create a customized itinerary based on your interests. Sights you can see include:

• Gateway of India (and surrounding area)

• Regal Circle and its heritage buildings, including the Prince of Wales Museum, National Gallery of Modern Art (NGMA) and Police Headquarters

• Kala Ghoda Art Precinct

• Bombay University and Oval Maidan

• Victoria Terminus and Municipal Building

• Crawford Market

• Lunch Box Guys (Dabawalas)

• Marine Drive and Chowpatty Beach

• Mani Bhavan

• Malabar Hill

• Hanging Garden

• Dhobi Ghat

• Local Markets (Crawford Market)

What's included:

• Transportation by air-conditioned car

• Private guide

• Chauffeur

Not included:

• Food and drinks

• Entrance fees

• Shopping expenses

Meeting location details required (whichever is relevant for you)

Hotel: hotel name, address, room number, name the room is registered to

Cruise: cruise name, port details, exit gate details

Airport: airport name, domestic or international, exit gate details

Please mention your personal mobile number with the country code to arrange meeting the day before your tour.


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