Pisa & Cinque Terre by Train: one day private trip with guide from Florence

Язык Арабский, Английский, Французский, Итальянский, Испанский
Стоимость 250 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 1 день

The day will start early at 07:45 at the central train station Santa Maria Novella, we will take convenient train and in one hour ride we will reach the "Piazza dei Miracoli" to admire the splendid Duomo and The leaning tower of Pisa, then we will cross the riverside passing by the old town, churches; squares; medieval alleys

Then; we will take another one hour train ride to Cinque Terre to the last village of Monterosso, upon leaving the train station, all the beauty of Cinque Terre will be revealed in front of our eyes, miles of seashores and cliffs covered by unique steps where the five villages scattered around in simplicity and harmony, Monterosso offers a wide variety of dining options, you may have a relaxing lunch in an authentic restaurant with typical Ligurian cuisine, or to have fast seafood lunch dedicating the rest of the time for a nice dive in the blue sea!!

then we will cross by the lovely old town and the scenic views and urban trails before moving by ferry boat (in case not available by train) crossing by all the villages to reach our second stop: Riomaggiore, we will have a nice stroll in the unique pearl together discovering the real spirit of the cinque Terre,, before going back to Florence around 19:00


Guide & guide's expenses

does not include

train & ferry boat tickets (approx. 55€ pp)


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