Walking Tour through Islamic Cairo

Язык Голландский, Английский
Стоимость 65 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 7 часов

Enjoy a walking tour in Al Moez Street and Al Ghuri Street, one of the biggest Open Islamic Museum in Cairo that has been recognized one of the greatest concentrations of medieval architectural treasures in the Islamic world.visit Khan El Khalili Market, where you will be transported back in time to an old Arab souk dating to 1382.


Our Tour Guide would pick you up from your hotel in Cairo Or Giza to enjoy a walking tour in Al Moez Street and Al Ghuri Street, one of the biggest Open Islamic Museum in Cairo that has been recognized one of the greatest concentrations of medieval architectural treasures in the Islamic world.

The street is named for Al-Mu'izz li-Din Allah, the fourth caliph of the Fatimid dynasty. The tour would start from Bab Al-Futuh in the north to Bab Zuweila in the south. The northern part of the

street extends from the Al-Hakim Mosque in the north passing by Agha El Silihdar Mosque, Abd El Rahman Katkhuda Sabil and Kottab, El Zaher Barquqe Mosque, to the Spice Market at Al-Azhar Street, Al-Aqmar Mosque (one of the few extant Fatimid mosques), the Qalawun complex, and several well preserved medieval houses and palaces.

We would visit Khan El Khalili Market, where you will be transported back in time to an old Arab souk dating to 1382.

It was named after Prince Jaharkas Al-Khalili, who was one of the powerful Mamluke Princes in the 14th century. It is famous for its unusual, typically oriental souvenirs, and handmade crafts

In the southern part extends from the Ghuriya complex to the Bab Zuweila you would visit El Ghuri complex, El Moaed Mosque Bab Zuweila and includes the magnificent Tent Market in the Gamaliya district.


• Full-day tour of Cairo's ancient Islamic heritage with a private guide.

• Explore Gayer Anderson Museum.

• Visit Ahmed Ibn toloun Mosque

• Enjoy Shopping in Khan El Khalili Bazzar, the oldest souk in Egypt.

• Enjoy the flexibility of a private tour.

• Entrance fees and hotel transfer included

Price Includes:

• All transfers by a private air-conditioned vehicle.

• Pick up services from your hotel & return.

• Private English-speaking Egyptologist guide.

• Entrance fees to all the mentioned sites.

• Bottled water during your trip.

• Shopping tours in Cairo.

• All taxes & service charge.

Price Does Not Include:

• Any extras not mentioned in the itinerary.

• Personal Expenses.

• Lunch.

• Gratuity.


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