3 Days 2 Nights Wild Kenya Safari to Meru National Park

Язык Английский, суахили
Стоимость 583 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 3 дня


Brilliant on a magnificent scale, the Meru and Kora sister parks feature luxuriant jungle, coursing rivers, verdant swamp, khaki grasslands and gaunt termite cathedrals all under the sky’s great blue bowl. Little visited and utterly unspoiled, few places are comparable to the remote and rugged atmosphere found here. Visitors can see Grevy’s zebras, elephants, Bohor reedbucks, hartebeests, pythons, puff adders, cobras, buffaloes and more than 427 recorded species of birds.

Tour Programs

Day 0


Arrive at JKIA and be met by our guide who receives, welcomes you and takes you to your city hotel. Accommodation: Waridi Paradise Hotels and Suits.

Meal Plan: Bed and Breakfast

Day 1


Early breakfast followed by pickup and briefing. Then you are transferred by road to Meru National Park arriving in time for lunch at our hotel or camp.

After lunch end out for a game drive in Meru national Park. Here you are likely to spot Rhino, Cheetah, Grevy Zebras, Reticulated Giraffe, Leopards, herds of buffaloes, elephants and lots of birds. Return to the camp in the evening for dinner and overnight.

Accommodation: Ikweta Safari Camp or Similar

Meal Plan: Breakfast Lunch and Dinner

Day 2


Today you explore the various parts of Meru National park in a full day game drive to begin immediately after breakfast or morning and afternoon game drive as you would wish to. Lunch will be at the camp or your driver will carry with him packed lunch to be eaten in the bush if you decide on a full day game drive.

Accommodation: Ikweta Safari Camp or Similar

Meal Plan: Breakfast Lunch and Dinner

Day 3


Pre breakfast game drive in the park in search of Africa game. Be on the lookout for activities which might have happened during the night. Like lion, leopard and cheetah kills. Amazing sunsets can be captured from this park too. After breakfast leave the camp or lodge for Nairobi with lunch en route. We arrive in Nairobi on the late afternoon and be dropped to hotel or airport

Accommodation: No accommodation unless upon request

Meal Plan: Breakfast and lunch



• Transport while on safari

• Park entrance fees

• English speaking guide services

• Game drives

• Drinking water while on safari

• Accommodation as stipulates in the itinerary


• Accommodation before safari starts

• Accommodation after safari starts

• Personal items and laundry

• Travel insurances and medical covers

• Anything not mentioned in the itinerary

Note: Price Quoted is for per person sharing transport and accommodation (double room). Kindly request for a price for a solo traveller and a special discount for large groups.


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