Nairobi Full Day trip

Язык Английский, суахили
Стоимость 280 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 1 день

Welcome to Nairobi City. On this day we discover Nairobi in a full day city excursion visiting various attractions that are around the city. A city tour is a great way to get prepared for a long safari to come or maybe you find yourself in Nairobi with very limited time yet you want the to utilise your maximum time viewing wildlife. You start your day early by 6.00 after breakfast by driving to Nairobi National Park, followed by a visit to David Sheldrick Animal orphanage, The Giraffe Center and Karen Blixen Museum follows after lunch before being dropped to your residence, hotel or airport after a day long excursion. Price quoted is for one person. Feel free to contact me if you are two and above for a discount.

Tour Program

6.00 AM - 6:30 AM: Pick up and drive to Nairobi National Park

7;00 AM - 10: 30 AM Game drives at Nairobi National Park.

10: 30 - 11: 00 AM: Exit Nairobi National Park and drive to David Sheldrick Orphanage.

11.30 - 100: Watch orphaned elephants being fed by staff. Learn about this amazing project that is aimed at saving these baby elephants. watch them play and bathe in the mud.

1.30 PM -2: 30 PM Exit and head out for lunch and drive to Giraffe Center in Karen.

3: 00 - 4.00 PM: Participate in feeding the Rothschild Giraffe at the Giraffe Center.

4.00 - 5. 00 PM Visit the nearby Karen Blixen Museum.

6.00 PM Drop at the hotel, residence within Nairobi or Airport.

Included in the price


Guide fees

Park entrance fees


Hotel and Airport transfers


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