Язык Английский, малайский
Стоимость 90 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 3 часа

Tour Code: B03 | Tour Price USD90.00 Per Person | Minimum 2 Persons l Tour Duration: 3.5Hours | Departure: 08.00hours & 14.30hours Daily


Discover Brunei on a 3.5-hour tour that takes you on a leisurely boat ride through Brunei’s Largest Kampung Ayer in the world (Water Village), " Venice Of The East", before shoot to mangroves in search of the wild indigenous Proboscis monkeys. Learn of this unique species and how you can help protect them as you cruise through their natural habitat and enjoy the lush scenery. Sometimes you can spot animals including sea eagles, great white egrets, kingfishers, saltwater crocodiles, monitor lizards, long-tail macaques, and snakes.

~ 08.00hrs Or 14.30hrs - Pick up from City Center Hotel. Proceeds for the Tour.

~ 08.15hrs Or 14.45hrs - Arrived at City Centre Jetty. Take a boat ride at Kampong Ayer, “The Venice of the East”, the famous water village on a breathtaking water taxi ride, and take a stroll on the houses built on stilts. Stopping by one of the locals’ houses to enjoy a treat of local delicacies. Continue with a Boat ride to Mangrove River Safari exploring the forest and searching for bizarre Proboscis monkeys endemic species only found at Borneo island & other (wildlife) Mangrove forest dwellers.

~ 11.00hrs Or 17.30hrs - Cruise back to City Centre Jetty & transfer to the City Center Hotel.

~ 11.30hrs Or 18.00hrs - Arrived at the City Center Hotel.

~~~~ Service Over, Bon Voyage ~~~~


- Transportation returned transfer to and from the Hotel.

- Return transfers boat ride from water village to Mangrove back to capital city jetty.

- Water Village Entrance fees & Light Refreshments.

- English-speaking Brunei local guide.

- Guide Fees.

- Mineral Water.


- Personal travelling insurance.

- Expenses at personal nature.

- Porter fees.


- Please wear comfortable walking shoes and light & and modest attire.

- Please bring along a cap/hat, face towel, sunblock, insect repellent, rain jacket & and a small change of Brunei Darussalam currency just in case you might need it.

- Do not stand up while boat on motion during boat ride.

- Mosques are closed on Thursdays & and Fridays for non-Muslim visitors.

- Ladies must wear a black coat/robe (provided by the Mosque).

- Shoes must be removed before entering the Mosque.

- Places of interest closed every Friday and maybe on local holidays.


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