Short trip to Northern part of Ethiopia.

Язык амхарский, Английский, Латышский, Русский
Стоимость 1800 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 1 неделя 2 дня

1 day – At the morning driving to Debre Markos. On the way Debre Libanos church and Ethio – German Park for lunch and go to bridge. Overnight in Debre Markos

2 day - Early at morning drive to Bahir Dar. On the way Tilili – Fang waterfall, Lake Zengena and caves close to this lake. Overnight Bahir Dar.

3 day – The first – Blue Nile waterfall (Portugalise bridge). After lunch – short boat trip of Tana Lake. Overnight in Bahir Dar

Day 4 – Full day driving to Lalibela. On the way a beautiful landscape.O/m Lalibela

Day 5 – Churches of Lalibela. After lunch maybe short trekking to Asheton Maryam Monastery. Or Yemrehanna Krestos church visiting. O/n Lalibela

Day 6 – Driving to Mekele. O/n Mekele

Day 7 - Mekele – Hawzen. Full day trekking to Yamata Abuna Guch, Debre Maryam Korkor … Andi f it is possible – Romana waterfall

Day 8 - Mekele – Desse. On the way maybe we can to visit a Hayk Lake before Desse

Day 9 - Desse – Addis Abeba. Before Debre Sina stop to Menelik's window and at left side of Debre Berhan there is a waterfall … At the night transfer to airport.


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