Journey into the past World – Suri tribe and others adventures.

Язык Английский, Итальянский, Латышский, Русский
Стоимость 2300 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 2 недели 2 дня

Day 1st

Driving to Jimma. On the way rural landscapes, photo pauses. Overnight at Jima Hotel

Day 2nd

After breakfast we will proceed to Agaro hiking and visit water falls. After Agara and befor Dembi there is the Dedesa river – there iare rapids. Overnight camping or hotel at Metu.

Day 3th

In the morning drive to Gamble. After the permits are settled, we can drive to Itang Aghuak village. Itang is located some 51km west of Gambela. The village, like Gambela itself, is home to both Nuer and Anuak peoples, and most residents live in traditional thatch-and-wattle huts of extraordinary complexity. The Nuer villages on the northern side of Itang tend to be the most receptive to visitors, but wherever you go you can expect to be the subject of extreme curiosity – foreign visitors are very rare indeed around here.

The Anuak are a river people whose villages are scattered along the banks and rivers of South Sudan and western Ethiopia. The Anuak of South Sudan live in a grassy region that is flat and virtually treeless. During the rainy season, this area becomes flooded, so that much of it becomes swampland with various channels of deep water running through it. The Anuak speak a Nilotic language known as Anuak. Every Anuak settlement has a headman who is in charge of village ceremonies and possesses the village drums and ancient Anuak relics. He is given allegiance and respect by the villagers who farm his land and bring him gifts of meat and fish. If the headman loses the villagers' support by being a weak leader, he will be expelled from the village, taking nothing with him but his wives.

Overnight Camping

Day 4th

In the morning visit Nuer village.

Like many of his pastoral neighbors, a Nuer man's dearest possession is his cattle. Life depends on cattle and a Nuer will risk his life to defend them or to raid his neighbor's cattle. The Nuer worldview is built around the herds and prestige is measured by the quantity and quality of the cattle a man owns.

Men and women take the names of their favorite oxen or cows and prefer to be greeted by their cattle names. While they do engage in agricultural pursuits, the care of cattle is the only labor they enjoy. It is said that conversation on virtually any subject will inevitably involve a discussion of cattle.

The Nuer, a tall and very dark people, are related to the Dinka, who live to their west, and their culture is very similar. The Nuer, like the Dinka, wear little or no clothing, especially the men. Women will more commonly wear a brief skirt of cloth or skin. Women wear wire and bead necklaces and headdresses. Young men are initiated by circumcision and six cuts across the forehead. A man is named by the coloring of his ritual bull given him at initiation. He composes songs of affection and praise to that bull.

And late in the afternoon will back to Gambela. Overnight hotel

Day 5th

After breakfast drive to Mizan Teferi. A driving for full day. Overnight hotel

Day 6th

In the morning, from Mizan Teferi (after we get the permission for Suri area) drive to Tum. On the way visit market of Bench people.

he Bench people, an important ethnic group of farmers of more than 130,000 people, live 600 km south of Addis Ababa in Ethiopia. Their territory is very mountainous with an altitude of 1,600 to 3,000 metres above sea level. The climate is tropical but very healthy because of the altitude (very little malaria). The tribe grows bananas, mangos, coffee…etc. Their whole territory is under cultivation: all of the mountains are completely covered with fields and plantations. Maize and sorghum form the basis of their diet. The number of children is impressive, contraception is not practiced by the Bench and the average number of children per woman is 10 or more.

Then continue to Tum over night comping

Day 7th

Tum to Kibish. Before you reach Suri territory visit Dizi people. The Dizi people live in southwestern Ethiopia, west of the Omo River. The town of Maji, which is near the center of the Dizi area, is about 100 kilometers (62 miles) directly south of the town of Mizan Teferi. Driving from Mizan Teferi to Maji on the road through Dima is about a 170 kilometer (106 mile) journey. The Dizi's closest neighbors are the Me'en people to the north, and the Suri to the south and west. Most Dizi are subsistence farmers who grow enset (false banana), corn, barley, teff, and other crops. They have cattle, sheep and chickens, and they are beekeepers for the honey.

Then drive to Kibish. Overnight comping

Day 8th

Full day Suri village

The Surma are a highly monolingual and homogenous society, living beyond most of the influences of the modern world and its technology. Their tenuous relationship with neighboring ethnic groups often erupts in fighting and loss of life. Women wear a leather garment fastened at one shoulder which encircles the waist like a skirt. Men and children typically wear no clothing. Surma women are noted for the large clay lip plates worn in the lower lip.

Overnight comping

Day 9th

Drive from Kibish to Mui NP. You will reach the Mui NP (Omo NP) around lunch time. One of the most beautiful national parks in Ethiopia, its 4068 km2 of wilderness bordered by the Omo river, is home to an amazing range of wildlife. 306 species of birds have been identified here, while large herds of Eland, some Buffalo, Elephants, Giraffe, Cheetah, Lion, Leopard, Burchell's Zebra are not uncommon. The park is not easily accessible, as the current means of access is via Omorate and the ferry to the north bank of the river. The park HQ is 75 km from Kibish settlement. However, a new airstrip is available close to the HQ and to a pleasant campsite on the Mui River - plans are in hand for further major improvements.

Late in the afternoon you make game drive.

Overnight comping

Day 10th

Full day driving to Turmi Overnight Turmi Hotel

Day 11th

Drive to Arba Mich for full day. Overnight at Hotel

Day 12th

Early morning drive to Gesuba to visit waterfall. Overnight at Sodo hotel. Another oportunity to go to Adjuora waterfalls.

Day 13th

Driving to Shashemene on the way visit Alaba traditional house and Senkele Wildlife sanctuary (or Wendo Genet hot springs). Overnight Shashemene hotel

Day 14th

Drive to Lephis Forrest. After less then 20 km from Shashemene is the town of Arsi Negele. From here Lepis is easy to reach on a good all weather 17 kms gravel road. Tours on foot or on horseback offer the perfect opportunity to discover this little-known region, the community, and the idyllic waterfall, which cascades down a lush green cliff face deep in the forest. Although this area is best known for its stunning landscapes and endemic wildlife and birds, the handicraft in Lephis is equally eye-catching. The Mishikie Handcraft Association is run by 17 women and 3 men who create baskets, beaded jewellery, and wood and horn carvings.

(or full day visiting rastafari people at Shashemene - Shashemene’s Rastafarian community, known locally as Jamaica, straddles the main road just north of town. It’s readily distinguished by its tri-coloured buildings, dreadlocked inhabitants and rounded vowels of Caribbean English. If you want to really meet and learn about the ‘Jamaicans’, the Zion Train Lodge and Banana Art Gallery are two good places to start. )

Overnight at lake Langano hotel.

Day 15th

We will drive to Debre Zeyt and on the way visit Abijata and Shala lake NP.

Day 16th

Drive back to Addis Ababa. There half day city tour and suvenirs shopping.


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