Mumbai Sightseeing with License Guide and Aircon Car

Язык Английский
Стоимость 100 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 4 часа

I will meet you at your hotel lobby in Mumbai. Your tour will begin by visiting Gateway of India, Mumbai's most famous monument, Built to welcome King George V and Queen Mary into India. Just around the corner is the iconic The Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, the hotel's original building was commissioned by Jamshedji Tata and first opened its doors to guests on 16 December 1903.

You will visit Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus train station (UNESCO world heritage site), Mumbai University - British heritage building built in 1857,Rajabai Clock Towers - Big Ben of India, Oval Cricket Ground - Place where we play the most beloved sport of India, Bombay High Court - Beautiful British Heritage Building

You will also be seeing Asia’s largest open air laundry “Dhobi Ghat” where clothes are washed in full view of public and then move on to see Mahatma Gandhi's residence in Mumbai “Mani Bhavan”.

You will be visiting Jain temple, Banganga tank and Kamala Nehru Park (Skyline view of the city & Old woman's shoe),Hanging Gardens built on top of water tanks near the Tower of Silence (Parsi burial place). You will also be taking a drive around Marine Drive also known as “Queens Necklace”, many British Heritage Buildings like Prince of Wales Museum, Maharashtra Police Headquarters, Flora Fountain & Hutatma Chowk, Telegraph Office, India Post Office Building, Kala Ghoda Area, David Sasoon's Library, National Gallery of Modern Art

At the end you will be providing a drop service to your hotel in Mumbai


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