Sailing Nile cruise from Aswan to Luxor includes tours for 3 nights

Язык Арабский, Английский, Французский, Испанский
Стоимость 400 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 4 дня

Aswan (Pass By) • Day 1: Aswan Explore the greatness of Egyptian culture by sailing Nile cruise and visit the splendid valley of the kings and the beautiful philae temple. our Egyptology tour guide will pick you up on time where we going to start our wonderful tour to visit the high dam. drive over where we going to take motor boat to get to Philae island. after the great tour check in cruise. be ready to have unique photos of the both sides of the river Nile where you will find out the both cultures Nubian and Egyptian as well, small boats, Nubian people, villages around you every where. Drink your tea on sun deck while the cruise sailing. Around sun set time stop at Kom Ombo to visit Kom Ombo temple. Evening disco party will be operated by the cruise staff. Over night cruise. Edfu (Pass By) •

Day 2: Edfu - Esna - Luxor Sail over towards Edfu to have a wonderful experience by horse and carriage to visit Edfu temple. back to cruise and continue sailing all over the way to Esna. pass the famous Esna lock. sail towards Luxor where the cruise will stop . Over night cruise. Luxor (Pass By) •

Day 3: Luxor Arrive to the famous historical city Luxor, Start our amazing day tour, Cross to the famous west bank of Luxor, Try to listen well to your guide who will explain to you by details the history of valley of the kings. after the great tour to the kings drive over to find out the secrets of queen Hatshepsut while you going to visit her temple. it is a great chance to be at the west bank to visit Carter house the famous English man who discovered TutAnkhAmun treasures. Back to cruise and get some relax to be ready again for visit the largest temple in whole over the world Karnak temple. Drive over to see the small beautiful temple of Luxor. Over night cruise. Luxor (Pass By) •

Day 4: Luxor - Disembark after breakfast. Enjoy your breakfast Hot air balloon trip (optional) Final transfer to your hotel,airport or more activities up to your request, Wish you will have a nice trip

What's Included:

5 stars Nile cruise for 3 nights from aswan to luxor

cabin with all facilities

meals start with lunch end with breakfast last day

all sites which mentioned in the itinerary

pick up and drop off by private air conditioning car


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