2 days 1 night Luxor and Aswan and abu simple

Язык Арабский, Английский, Французский, Испанский
Стоимость 300 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 2 дня

I will pick up you from Aswan Airport then you will start the ride will take around 3 hours driving and you will reach to the most amazing temple in Egypt[t witch is Abu Simple temple this temple been build by the most famous king Ramesses II himself and this temple became one of the most famous because of the sun that goes inside the temple 2 times a year on 22 of October and on 22 of February then you will visit the second temple at the same area for the quees Nefertari she is the queen of the King Ramesses II 6 hours • Admission Ticket Included Aswan High Dam after you will enjoy your tour will drive you back to your Hotel in Aswan and Visit the highlight of Aswan city Unfinished Obelisk and the High Dam and Philae Temple then drive back to your Hotel your Hotel in Aswan and spent one night in 4 stars Hotel .Abu Simbel Temple Complex The two Temples of Abu Simbel, with their unique style, are considered to be the masterpieces of ancient Egypt. They reflect the glory and grandeur of the new Kingdom. The Egyptian government and UNESCO decided to co-operate in order to save these temples from the flood. The Temple of Ramses II was dedicated to the four universal gods Ptah, Re-Her-Akhtey, Amun-Re, and to Ramesses II himself. The great Abu Simbel temple is also called The Sun Temple of Ramses II.The Temple of Queen Nefertari is also Called Temple of Hathor who was the wife of the Sun God so in a symbolic way, the two Temples, that of Ramesses II and that of Nefertari, bring Ramesses II, Nefertari, Hathor and the Sun God together as one.

What's Included

Professional guide

Hotel pickup and drop-off

Private Tour

All Transfers by Private A/C latest Model Vehicle

Bottle Water


one night accommodation at 4 stars hotel


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