The waterfalls of Ajara

Язык Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Итальянский, Португальский, Испанский
Стоимость 180 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 9 часов

On this tour we'll visit the famous or unusual waterfalls of the region to the East from Batumi. The tour must start early in the morning (at 8 or even better at 7) if you want to visit the biggest waterfall here in the area (Makhuntseti, 32m) and/or Mirveti (20m, the one in the boxwood alley). After 10am a lot of tourist come there and the shops and markets open, so the atmosphere of the places will be quite different than in early morning. Mirveti is a little off the main highway, and should be better visited on a separate day together with the Machakhela Park.

The other waterfalls we can see (you may choose which ones you need):

1. Dzentsmani (10-12m), a very unusual shape;

2, 3. Merisi & Medzibna, they are near each other

4. Chalati waterfall (there are 2 of them, but the path to the bigger one goes through the

5. Chinkadze (could include a 1km walk along the mountain river - and 1km back, as after rains the comfortable car won't cross the river on the final part of the way).

6. Kapnistavi

Visiting these all in one day is quite possible, especially if we start early, skip Mirveti and do Kapnistavi village waterfalls (there are more than 5 of them in the village) in the afternoon, after all the others.

A shorter program can be made, if you want a shorter route


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