Taj Mahal Trip By Luxury Train

Язык Английский, Русский
Стоимость 175 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 1 день

Same day Taj Mahal trip by Gatimaan Luxury Train

Early morning around 06:00 am our driver and a company representative will come to your hotel/guesthouse will pick you up and then transfer you to Nizamuddin Train Station and will help you to board your train to Agra Cantt. During your journey, you will be provided a very good breakfast along with mineral water bottles and tea/coffee.

Upon arrival at Agra Cantt Train Station, you will be met by our driver and tour guide who will take you for the sightseeing tour of Agra will show you the Taj Mahal and Agra Fort.

Thereafter you will have a lunch break, lunch will be provided in a multi-cuisine restaurant to enjoy your lunch. Afternoon free to explore the town walk around and do some shopping as Agra is very famous for the marble crafts and carpets.

Evening you will have a departure transfer to Agra Cantt Train Station to board your train to New Delhi. Upon arrival at Nizamuddin Train Station, you will be met by our driver and a company representative will transfer you to your hotel/guesthouse.

Cost is based on a minimum of 04 persons and a maximum of 06 persons are required for this tour.


All transfers and sightseeing tours by air-con private vehicle.

Pickup and drop-offs in Delhi and Agra.

Assistance on arrival and departure.

1st Executive class train tickets from Delhi - Agra - Delhi.

English speaking guide in Agra.

Lunch in Agra.

Monument entrance tickets for the Taj Mahal and Agra Fort.


Personal expenditures.

Drinks and beverages.

Tips and porterage services.


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