Ourika Valley in High Atlas Mountains Tour

Язык Арабский, Английский, Французский, Испанский
Стоимость 90 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 8 часов


Explore the Ourika Valley in the High Atlas Mountains on this full-day private sightseeing tour from Marrakech. Have lunch and mint tea in a traditional Berber home, visit a women’s argan oil co-operative, and admire the stunning waterfalls.



• Walk to the waterfalls of Setti Fatma.

• See Berber villages and houses clinging to the side of hills.

• Share mint tea and lunch with a Berber family in their home.

• Visit a locally-run argan oil women's co-operative.

⬇️⬇️ Full description ⬇️⬇️

Escape the frenzy of Marrakech in the Ourika Valley, a cool mountain getaway not far from the city.

Travel by road to the picturesque village of Ourika nestled in the High Atlas Mountain Range. Experience some of the beauty of the North African countryside without sacrificing the comforts of your hotel or riad on this day trek in the mountains. Pass the village of Ouigrane on your way up a 6,563-foot peak and admire a panoramic view from the top over Ait Oucheg Valley, full of terraces and traditional houses made of stone and clay.

Ourika is an archetypal Berber village, with friendly people happy to show you around. See how the Berbers live and experience some of their food and their culture as you have lunch in a Berber home.

Later on, see the 7 waterfalls of Setti Fadma and the stunning Ghamt Mosque. Along the way, learn more about the area from your guide, including which plants in the area are medicinal.


✅ Air-conditioned, private transportation with a professional driver.

✅ English-speaking guide (other languages also available).

✅ Lunch in a traditional Berber home.

✅ Tea/coffee.

Not suitable for:

• Pregnant women


Important information

What to bring❓

• Comfortable shoes

• Sunglasses

• Camera

Know before you go ❗️

• The larger the group, the lower the price per person.

• Each tour requires a minimum of 2 participants.


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