Guided Day Trip to Essaouira

Язык Арабский, Английский, Французский, Испанский
Стоимость 70 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 9 часов


Enjoy an exciting day trip to old Mogador (Essaouira) from Marrakech, discover the lush forests of Argan where precious Argan oil is produced, and fry a fresh fish at the harbor along an unforgettable journey.



• Visit a cooperative in the Argan forest run by a group of local women

• Discover the beauty of the old Mogador Fortress, Sekkala

• Explore the picturesque harbor of Mogador and fry a fresh fish for yourself

• Spot native goats roaming wild in the forest

⬇️⬇️ Full description ⬇️⬇️

Your full-day adventure to old Mogador from Marrakech begins when you’re picked up from your hotel to drive along the gorgeous Haouz plains towards the quaint village of Chichaoua. Here you’ll make your first stop of the day, enjoying a cup of coffee before continuing on to Sidi Mokhtar.

Along the way, you’ll pass through a lush forest of Argan trees, where you’ll witness native goats in their natural habitat. Here you’ll have the chance to see how Argan oil is extracted, visiting a cooperative run by a group of local women to discover how some of the world’s finest cosmetic products are made here using Argan oil.

Next, you’ll head to Mogador to explore the fascinating Portuguese fortress, Sekkala, before continuing on to visit the old harbor, the meeting point for local fishermen. At the harbor, you can choose a fresh fish and fry it yourself before exploring the picturesque blue streets of old Mogador, relaxing by the beach, and taking a therapeutic stroll in this unique location.


✅ Hotel pickup and drop-off

✅ Transportation in an air-conditioned 4WD or minivan

✅ Transportation and professional liability insurance

✅ Expert guide/driver

✅ Bottled water during the trip

✅ Visit Argan Cooperative

❌ Lunch and drinks

❌ Gratuities and personal expenses

❌ Entrance fees and local guide fees (optional)


📥 Important information 📥

What to bring❓

• Comfortable shoes

• Sunglasses

• Sun hat

Not allowed❗️

• Pets

Know before you go ⚠️

Please note while there is no full lunch included in this tour you will have the chance to choose a fresh fish and fry it for yourself in a traditional local restaurant by the harbor


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