Ouzoud Waterfalls Day Trip & Optional Boat Ride

Язык Арабский, Английский, Французский, Испанский
Стоимость 70 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 10 часов

ABOUT THIS ACTIVITY:                                


See picturesque Berber villages and the dramatic Ouzoud Falls on a full-day sightseeing tour from Marrakech. Dive into the inviting waters of the Al Abid River for a swim in wild nature. Meet the local monkeys of the Grand Atlas and more.





• Discover the dramatic cascades of the Ouzoud Falls

• See typical Berber villages and traditional towns of the Grand Atlas

• Take a dip in the inviting waters of the Al Abid River

• Look out for wild monkeys and other flora and fauna


⬇️⬇️ Full description ⬇️⬇️


Escape the hustle and bustle of Marrakech for a full-day tour to the dramatic Ouzoud Falls, located near the Grand Atlas village of Tanaghmeilt in the province of Azilal.


Following a pick-up from your hotel or riad, transfer to the Ouzoud Falls by air-conditioned minibus. Along the way, marvel at the traditional towns and typical Berber villages of the Grand Atlas, and pass through the shade of ancient olive trees as you approach the waterfalls.


Upon arrival at Ouzoud, after an approximate 3-hour drive, enjoy about 4 hours at the cascades to soak up nature. Look out for the resident monkeys, and take a swim in the crystal clear waters. Upgrade your tour to include an optional boat ride here. After a relaxing afternoon, depart for the return transfer to Marrakech, with an estimated arrival of 6 PM.



✅ Hotel pickup

✅ Transportation by modern air-conditioned minibus (17 seats) or (8 seats)

✅ Boat ride (if option chosen)

✅ English or French-speaking driver

✅ Local guide

❌ Lunch


Not suitable for:

• Pregnant women

• Wheelchair users



Important information


What to bring❓

• Comfortable shoes

• Sunglasses

• Camera

• Sunscreen


Not allowed❗️

• Pets

• Smoking


Know before you go ⚠️

Please bring sunscreen, comfortable shoes, and your camera.


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