Marrakech: Half-Day Quad Bike in the Palmeraie

Язык Арабский, Английский, Французский, Испанский
Стоимость 60 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 2 часа


Explore the Marrakech Palmeraie by Quad Bike on a thrilling half-day adventure. Take a break from sightseeing in the "Red City" and experience an unusual activity in quiet rural areas close to the city center. Meet the locals of Berber villages and more.



• Ride a Quad Bike through the palm groves of the Marrakech Palmeraie

• Stop for a tea break in a scenic setting

• Visit Berber villages to learn about the local lifestyle and traditions

⬇️⬇️ Full description ⬇️⬇️

Depart Marrakech city center and journey to the palm groves of the Palmeraie for a half-day Quad Bike adventure under the Moroccan sun. Discover a green oasis and its surrounding Berber villages in a natural and unique setting.

Ride through the surrounding countryside for two hours and discover the distinct beauty of the Palmeraie. Benefit from the chance to enjoy the culture and lifestyle of the locals when they welcome you into their villages where their traditions have been carefully preserved.

Stop for a tea break in a lovely natural setting. Journey back to your Marrakech hotel at the end of your thrilling adventure.

Includes: 😍

✅ Free hotel pick-up and drop off

✅ Ride through the typical Berber villages of the Palmeraie

✅ 2-hour Quad Bike activity

✅ Break to drink tea

✅ Insurance

❌ Tips

❌ Extras

Not suitable for

• Pregnant women

• Wheelchair users

⬇️⬇️ Full description ⬇️⬇️

What to bring❓

• Comfortable shoes

• Sunglasses

• Sun hat

Not allowed❗️

• Pets

• Smoking

⚠️ Know before you go ⚠️

• Please wear comfortable shoes

• Long pants are recommended

• Bring sunscreen and your camera


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