Luminous Lagoon At Glistening Waters

Язык Английский
Стоимость 50 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 1 час


Glistening Waters is Jamaica’s only natural night-time attraction. A boat ride on a truly magical bay. An experience not to be missed!

Starting daily at sunset, we begin nightly boat tours of the famous Luminous Lagoon. You will see things that will make you appreciate the beauty Mother Nature has created for us to witness and experience! Truly, a sight to be seen! If you’re staying in Jamaica, be sure to book a tour with Glistening Waters and reward yourself with a truly memorable experience you will remember forever.

Plan your tour with us at dusk, enjoy a delicious meal and cocktail at our restaurant first, and then take a boat tour out onto the lagoon. As the boat cruises around, the water is disturbed and the organisms begin to glow. You will see an eerie light show illuminating from the back of the boat and all around from the wake. This tour of the Luminous Lagoon takes approximately 35-40 minutes.This lagoon, surrounded by mangroves, is home to microscopic organisms that emit a bio-luminescent light when agitated. The water glows a beautiful blue and becomes illuminated when these organisms are disturbed. As the fish in the lagoon swim and dart around, you can see their outlines as streaks of light, shooting around in the darkness of night. When it rains, the lagoon ‘lights up’ with the drops of water dancing on the surface. Truly an amazing experience! Plan ahead and bring a towel and swimsuit so you can take a swim during the night-time tour on the Luminous Lagoon to illuminate yourself and the waters around you. Bucket list item, for sure…

The lagoon and bay is about 3-8 feet, or more, in depth. It’s relatively shallow for the area it covers. Those who wish can enjoy a swim in the lagoon during the boat tour. You will experience the glow all around you as you splash and swim around. An experience like no other, so be sure to bring a swim suit and enjoy! The more you splash, the more you glow! Your captain will explain the science behind this effect as well as the benefits of this mineral water to you while on the Luminous Lagoon boat tour. You can read some of the scientific information that explains what this phenomenon is all about and understand this naturally occurring event here.

Glistening Waters has a fleet of four tour boats in operation at all times. This allows a steady stream of guests to partake in the night time lagoon tour without having to wait for a boat to return. Staging the boats to depart at different intervals allows us to give you the best experience on the waters of the Luminous Lagoon. Our tour boats can handle up to 30 guests. Have no worries, because every seat is a good seat! You’ll see all the excitement all around you as you tour the bay. Rest assured, we run a very organized and experienced touring operation. You will have a great experience with us and one that will be a truly memorable time for you to remember.


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