9 Days Northern Ethiopia Tours

Язык Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Итальянский, Испанский
Стоимость 3380 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 1 неделя 2 дня

Day 1: Addis Ababa

Upon landing at Addis Ababa Bole International Airport, we'll be waiting to give you a warm welcome to the beautiful country before heading to the Addis Ababa hotel for our first night.

Day 2: Addis Ababa - Rock-Hewn Churches, Lalibela

We'll start the day off right with a hearty breakfast before taking you back to the airport to catch our flight to Lalibela. We'll also take advantage and visit several sacred churches like Biete Medhane Alem, Biete Maryam, and Biete Meskel.

Day 3: Lalibela - Yemrehana Krestos - Rock-Hewn Churches, Lalibela

We'll start with the most important meal of the day before we set off toward Yemrehana Krestos. Here, we'll visit Biete Gabriel-Rufael, Biete Merkorios, Biete Amanual, Biete Abba Libanos. Then, saving the best for last, we'll come to the most well-known of all the churches, Biete Giyorgis. An enormous monolith shaped like a cross, this temple was built in honor of the country's patron saint, St. George.

Day 4: Lalibela - Asheton St. Maryam Monastery - Lalibela - After breakfast, we'll hit the ground running on a 2-hour hike to arrive at the Asheton St. Maryam Monastery. Continuing the hike for another 1.5 hours, Hudad Lalibela Eco-Lodge for a breathtaking 360º panoramic view.

Day 5: Lalibela - Bahir Dar - Right after breakfast, we'll hop in a car, leaving Lalibela behind in exchange for Bahir Dar. During our 6-7 hour journey.

Day 6: Bahir Dar - Lake Tana - Ura Kidane Mehret - Blue Nile Falls

Welcome to Bahir Dar! We'll finish off breakfast and enjoy a boat ride through Lake Tana, bringing us to Ura Kidane Mihret Monastery.

With some luck, we may even see hippos in Lake Tana! Then, after some free time for lunch, we'll visit the Blue Nile Falls. after return to Bahir Dar for a visit to the local market, where you can purchase artisanal goods like jewelry and embroidered fabrics.

Day 7: Bahir Dar - Gondar

After a 3-hour car ride, we'll arrive at Gonder. The ruins also encompass other notable structures like the Library of Emperor Yohannes I, the majestic Emperor Bakaffa Salon, and the King's Wife's Palace. Moreover, at this iconic site, we'll also see the Kuskuam Palace, Empress Mentewab's Palace, and Quskuam Mariam Church, built in honor of the Virgin Mary. We'll also see the elaborate Debre Birhan Selassie Church murals, considered some of the most important in Ethiopia. We'll understand why as we listen to the legends tied to the sacred temple.

Day 8: Gondar - Simien National Park

We'll arrive at Debark, a small city on the border of Simien National Park.

Following a short pitstop, we'll go south within the park to Sankaber, located 3,100 meters (10,170 feet) above sea level.

Day 9: Simien National Park- Gondar - Addis Ababa

On our last day, we'll have breakfast and make our way to Gondar Airport to catch a flight back to Addis Ababa.

Price Included

All churches and attraction fees

A private English - Speaking Guide to all sites

Scouts fees

Boat trip at lake tana monastery

All road transport by a private air conditioned car, including fuel & driver Allowance

Airport transfer & City Transfer

Accommodation including breakfast for 8 Days

Domestic flight tickets

Traditional Ethiopian Coffee ceremony

Attending early morning church services at the biggest church of lalibela

Packed Water in your Journey

All Government Taxes and fees

Price Excluded


Alcohol drinks

Tips and personal expenses

Camera & Video fees


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