6 Days Visiting Lalibela Churches & Danakil Depression

Язык Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Итальянский, Испанский
Стоимость 1200 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 6 дней

Day -1

Fly to Lalibela and take the airport transfer to the town and visit the rock hewn churches.

After you check-in at your hotel we will drive to sits where we find a concentration of some of Ethiopia most famous Rock hewn churches, mostly referred by many as " the living wonders of the world " this churches are they have been here for at list 900 years, an active christen shrine, spiritual center of the country religious life.

Then we will visit Northwestern Clusters of churches this group contains, Bet Medhane Alem ,Bet Maryam, Bet Meskel, Bet Danaghel, Bet Mikael & Golgotha

After lunch continue to visit the Southeastern Cluster of Lalibela churches – Bet Gabriel-Rufael, Bet Merkorios, Bet Amanual, and Bet Abba Libanos

Finally, visit the most famous of all the churches – Bet Giyorgis, a huge monolithic in the shape of a cross, and constructed in honor of St. George, the patron saint of Ethiopia

Overnight:- Lalibela

Day -2

After breakfast we will drive from Lalibela to semera just within spectacular scenery, it is 350 km , 7hr drive .

Overnight :- kuriftu resort semera

Day - 3

Drive from Semera to the volcano it take about 4 hours and you will visit earta ale one of the most active volcano and camping out side a little far from the volcano

The Trekking to the volcano is about 30 minutse so you have to bring trekking shoe , toure light and mask

Overnight :- camping in poen air

Day - 4

Earily morning you will clump to see the volcano for sun rise is very beautiful and you will have a breakfast at the base camp and continue driving to hamedella it takes 4 hours and after you will visit

Dallol it is one of the most beautiful colures

You will visit the salt lake

Salt mountain

Swimming pool

Lake asa ale on sun set

And comping in open air

Day - 5

Earily morning you will visit sun rise and continue driving to one of the biggest salt lake its call lake afdera and you will swimm there and after lunch you will continue driving to semera end the tour

Overnight ;- kuriftu resort semera

Day -6

After breakfast we will drive to semera Airport for your flight to Addis.

Price Included

Meals Full - board

All churches and attraction fees

A private English - Speaking Guide to all sites

Scouts fees

All road transport by a private air conditioned car, including fuel & driver Allowance

Airport transfer & City Transfer


Traditional Ethiopian Coffee ceremony

Packed Water in your Journey

All Government Taxes and fees

Price Excluded

Flight Tickets

Alcohol drinks

Tips and personal expenses

Camera & Video fees


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