2 Days Tour to Ouarzazate

Язык Арабский, Английский, Французский, Испанский
Стоимость 199 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа более 10 человек
Длительность 2 дня

Day 1 : Marrakech – High Atlas – Kasbah Talouet – Kasbah Ait Benhadou – Ouarzazate

After breakfast, we will depart to Ouarzazate via the High Atlas Tizi-N-tichka, (2260 m altitude) with a visit to the kasbah Telouet including lunch . We will then continue via the track of caravan to Ait Benhaddou Kasbah where we will stop for a visit with our tour guide .

Afterwards we will drive to Ouarzazate where we’ll stop dinner and night in a riad .

Day 2 : Ouarzazate – Kasbah Taourirt – Oasis of Fint – Kasbah tifoultout – Cinema Studio – Marrakech

After breakfast, we will visit the Kasbah of Taourirt and the museum of Cinema studio before we depart to the oasis of Fint which is located on the top of a rock, we will discover the oasis nestled in the crook of the river identified between the mountains includes the visit to the four small villages where time seems to stand still, and where people live peacefully resources of this wonderful oasis. Lunch on the way back to Marrakech before arriving at your hotel. End of the trip


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