Язык Английский
Стоимость 1550 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 1 неделя 4 дня

1 Arrival to Bishkek. Bishkek – Ala Archa National Park – Bishkek.

Walking tour in the center of the city –Ala Too Square, the State National History Museum, Old Square and the Parliament, Oak Park and the Statue of Kurmandjan Datka (Kyrgyz Queen), the Opera and Ballet Theatre, Victory Square and Eternal Fire, ending at ZUM.

If time allows visit to Osh Bazar and the National park Ala Archa. Overnight in Bishkek. 150 B My Hotel 4* or similar 3-4* (early check in is included)

2 Bishkek city – Karakol town.

Drive from Bishkek city to Karakol city via northern shore of the Issyk Kul Lake. On the way first visit to the historical complex Burana Tower (11th C.) the remains of Karakhanid's empire in Central Asia. Second visit to Konorchek or Kok Moinok Canyons (subject to the weather conditions). In Cholpon Ata town – visit to the Open Air Museum of Petroglyphs. Short visit to Grigoriev Gorge. Upon arrival to Karakol visit to a Dungan Family for dinner and overnight in a Guesthouse in Karakol. 400 B/D Green Yard GH or similar

3 Karakol town – Bokonbaevo village.

In the morning city tour of Karakol - visit an Old Russian Orthodox Church and mosque in Dungan style. Most surprising is that both the mosque and the church were built without a single nail or any metal cords. The builders used only wooden beams of the Tien Shan fir, elm and local poplar. In the afternoon further drive by southern shore of the Issyk Kul Lake to Dzhety Oguz Gorge. Shepherds tell a lot of legends about the beautiful, famous, red rocks known as Dzhety Oguz "Seven Bulls" and it’s "Broken Heart" rock. Visit to Skazka Canyon – the Fairy Tale Canyon on the way. Overnight and dinner in a yurt camp near the shores of Issyk Kul Lake. At yurt camps meals are provided, yurts are heated at nights (if necessary). 180 B/D Almaluu Yurt Camp or similar

4 Bokonbaev village - Tosor Pass – Naryn town.

Depending on availability of road, the drive today can be done over Tosor Pass – challenging but stunning road from Issyk Kul area to Naryn region. If not Tosor, then the main road over Kochkor is driven. Upon arrival to Naryn a short visit to the city’s main attractions – the Blue Mosque and the Central Square. Overnight in a hotel in Naryn. 300 B Khan Tengry Naryn 3-4* or similar 3-4*

5 Naryn town – Kel Suu Lake.

A very challenging drive day to get to the real pearl of inner Tien Shan Mountains - Kel Suu Lake. The lake is located 20 kilometres from the border with China. The two border control posts are to be crossed, the border permission is a must. Kel-Suu Lake is not reachable by a vehicle, only till some point, the other part of the way has to be overcome on horseback or on foot, it is 1,5 km. The picturesque views on the way to the lake and turquoise colour of the water are worth all the challenges of the day. The journey to reach Kel Suu is breathtakingly beautiful. Overnight at a yurt or a tent camp near the lake. At yurt camps meals are provided, yurts are heated at nights (if necessary). 150 B/L(LB)/D Yurts/ Camping

6 Kel Suu Lake – Tash Rabat Caravanserai.

Make sure to get there early in the morning for good views and so that the sun doesn’t get in the way.

There are two opportunities to get to Tash Rabat – first is to drive the same way back as it was driven the previous day and then take left at the main road in the direction of Torugart Pass border control to China. The second is to take left from the Kel Sul straight away to Torugart Pass border control to China, go through the border control zone and the Chatyr Kol Lake – the third biggest lake in Kyrgyzstan, located at the elevation of over 3500 m asl. The way to choose is a subject of weather and the road condition. Further drive to Kara Koyun Canyon to visit the mystic Tash Rabat Caravanserai – the construction of stone once served as a caravanserai during the times of the Silk Road, but originally built in the 10th century as a Buddhist or Nestorian monastery. Second experience of accommodation in a traditional Kyrgyz Nomads’ dwelling – Boz Ui, or a yurt. At yurt camps meals are provided, yurts are heated at nights (if necessary). 200 B/L(LB)/D Yurts

7 Tash Rabat Caravanserai – Son Kul Lake.

After breakfast, drive to Son Kul Lake, over two Passes – Mels Pass (subject to weather conditions) and no less beautiful Moldo Ashu Pass. During the summer, shepherds with their families stay at pastures in the area around Son-Kul Lake in traditional felt dwellings Boz Ui or yurts, grassing their flocks and herds of animals. At yurt camps meals are provided, yurts are heated at nights (if necessary). 190 B/D Yurts

8 Day at Son Kul Lake.

Day at leisure. Optional activities: Swimming in the lake, short trek to Petroglyphs, horse riding (for an extra charge). At yurt camps meals are provided, yurts are heated at nights (if necessary). - B/L/D Yurts

9 Son Kul Lake – Moldo Ashu Pass – Kazarman village.

Drive from Son Kul Lake over Moldo Ashu Pass to Kazarman village first. Kazarman Village is located in Jalalabat Oblast, not far from the border with Naryn Oblast, near the famous Makmal gold mine. From here it’s possible to take a trip to the world famous Saimaluu-Tash rock paintings gallery listed as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site and now under its protection (visiting of Petroglyphs requires another full day). On the tour, Kazarman is an overnight point on the way to Osh city. 160 B/D Family Home Stay

10 Kazarman village – Osh city via Uzgen and Dzhalal Abad.

After breakfast, drive from Kazarman to Osh city crossing over the Fergana Mountain Range of Tien Shan Mountains. On the way visiting of Uzgen Complex of Karakhanids’ Mausoleums and Minaret, dated back to 10-12 centuries AD. There is a small, but very attractive rice Bazar in the center of Uzgen, as the area around famous for growing of brown rice. Upon arrival to Osh visit to its main attraction the Mount Tahti-Suleiman ("Throne of Solomon"), listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site and which since ancient times is considered one of the most important shrines of local Muslims. A short hike up to the top of the Mount visiting the Museum in the cave and down to the central square and visiting the Silk Road Museum under the mount. Overnight in a hotel in Osh. 280 B Sun Rise 3* or similar 3-4*

11 Departure from Osh. Border crossing to Uzbekistan or flight to Bishkek. 30 B

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