City Tour of Gonder & Day Trip to Simien Mountain

Язык Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Итальянский, Испанский
Стоимость 620 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 3 дня

Day -1

we will meet at Gondar Airport then drive to your hotel. Our day's journey will lead us to the royal campus known as Fasil Ghebi, revealing the ruins of an ancient city-state from the 17th century. Recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, this historic area boasts 6 castles and the renowned basin where the annual bathing blessing ceremony is held.

Looking out from the royal campus, we'll enjoy a view of the basalt stone palace of Emperor Fasilidas, the oldest structure within this complex. The ruins also encompass other notable structures like the Library of Emperor Yohannes I, the majestic Emperor Bakaffa Salon, and the King's Wife's Palace. Moreover, at this iconic site, we'll also see the Kuskuam Palace, Empress Mentewab's Palace, and Quskuam Mariam Church, built in honor of the Virgin Mary.

It's sure to be a day full of archeological education, but the fun doesn't stop there! We'll also see the elaborate Debre Birhan Selassie Church murals, considered some of the most important in Ethiopia. We'll understand why as we listen to the legends tied to the sacred castle

From here, it's off to the hotel for a good rest for the evening. See you in the morning. Overnight :- Gondar

Day -2

With renewed energy after a strong breakfast, we'll leave Gondar behind as we head to the highlands of northern Ethiopia. We'll arrive at Debark, a small city on the border of Simien National Park.

Following a short pitstop, we'll go south within the park to Sankaber, located 3,100 meters (10,170 feet) above sea level. Here, we'll take on a 2-3 hour hiking route in search of the perfect view of the nearby mountain range. We'll keep our eyes peeled for local flora, like heather, St. John's wort, or wild rose of Abyssinia. Additionally, we will see the largest population of baboons in Ethiopia.

Finally we will drive back to Gondar Overnight:- Gondar

Day -3

After breakfast we will drive back to Gondar Airport for your next flight.

Price Included

Meals Full - Board

All churches and attraction fees

A private English - Speaking Guide to all sites

Scouts fees

All road transport by a private air conditioned car, including fuel & driver Allowance

Airport transfer & City Transfer


Domestic flight tickets

Packed Water in your Journey

All Government Taxes and fees

Price Excluded

Alcohol drinks

Tips and personal expenses

Camera & Video fees


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