Trekking Tours to Bale Mountain 5 Days

Язык Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Итальянский, Испанский
Стоимость 800 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 5 дней

Day 01 Addis Ababa - Bale Mountains National Park

Morning departure driving from Addis to the Bale Mountains National Park. Arrive at the park headquarters in the afternoon. Meet with guides and drive to the Gaysey Grasslands. Take a leisurely afternoon hike, possibly spotting two endemic mammals that frequent the area: Menelik's Bushbuck and the Mountain Nyala. Birds in this area include the Blue-Winged Goose, the Spot-Breasted Lapwing, the Abyssinian Long Claw, the Wattled Ibis, the Black-Headed Siskin, Rouget’s Rail, and numerous other species.

Day 02 To Finch Habera Campsite

Walk through Dinsho and enter the National Park. Around Dinsho, the Mountain Nyala and Menelik’s Bushbuck should be visible. While trekking through the park, there will be a chance to see Ethiopian Wolves. Stop by Habera Waterfall for a nice break.

Trekking time: 5 hours.

Overnight Camping Finch Habera

Day 03 To Wasama Campsite

Trek to Wasama through a beautiful landscape with stunning views. Pass through Mararo Valley where the Lammergeyer and Verraux Eagles keep nests. At this point in the trek we begin to look for the Ethiopian Wolf, the rarest canid in the world and Africa’s most threatened carnivore. Ethiopian Wolves live in packs of between 2 and 18 animals but are solo hunters surviving primarily on a diet of rodents.

Trekking time: 8 hours.

Overnight Camping Wasama

Day 04 To Gebre Guracha Campsite

Start the day by hiking up Mt. Wasama (4200m) and then continue down into the Worgona Valley. Falcons, raptors, and possibly the Ethiopian wolf will be visible. End the day at Lake Gebre Gurracha, meaning “black lake” in the Oromic language.

Trekking time: 8 hours.

Overnight Camping Gebre Guracha

Day 05 Bale Mountains National Park - Addis Ababa

Take a short trek from Gebre Gurracha up to the Sennati Plateau to meet vehicles. Return to Addis Ababa. Enjoy dinner at a traditional Ethiopian restaurant featuring dancers and musicians representing some of the country's many ethnic groups. Transfer to airport for late night departure or additional hotel night booked upon request.

Trekking time: 2 hours

Price Included

Entrance fees for all sites and parks mentioned in the itinerary

All excursions listed on the itinerary

Experienced, multilingual tour guides and guides' expenses

Ground transportation via tour vehicle (including driver and fuel)

All meals mentioned on itinerary

Lodging for each night on tour

All hotel/airport transfers during the tour

Price Excluded

Any expenses of a personal nature

Alcoholic Drinks

International flight tickets

Tips or gratuities

Photography or video fees if required at certain sites

Visa costs


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