5 Days/ Yangon- Bagan – Monwya – Sagaing – Amarupura -Mandalay

Язык Английский
Стоимость 300 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 5 дней

Day 1 Yangon- Bagan (by overnight coach)

You will be picked up from your hotel in Yangon or Yangon airport to Bus terminal.

Day 2 Bagan temple tour (by private air-conditioned car)

Visit most of the famous temple in Bagan.

Stay overnight in Bagan with your own arrangement

Day 3 Bagan- Monwya ( by private air-conditioned car)

Sightseeing tour around Monwya

Stay overnight in Monwya with your own arrangement

Day 4 Monwya- Sagaing –Mandalay (by private air-conditioned car)

Visit some of the famous places in Monwya and then drive to Sagaing for doing sightseeing.

Continue to Mandalay and stay overnight there.

Day 5 Mandalay and Amarapura sightseeing tour (by private air-conditioned car)

City tour in Mandalay.

At the end of the trip, you can return to Yangon by overnight coach or train or domestic flight.

Alternative: You can make a departure from Mandalay to Bangkok for your connecting international flight.

Meeting or Pickup Location: Your hotel in Yangon/your suggested location in Yangon.

What is included in the Tour, Activity or Experience: professional English-speaking guide service.


The other expenses that you have to use are for

-one-way overnight coach from Yangon to Bagan

- Private air-conditioned car for all sightseeing places

- Entrance tickets of all sightseeing places

- Any food and beverages

- Any accommodation arrangement

- Expenses of personal nature


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