Izmir(Smyrna) Tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 55 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 5 часов

Visit the Kadife Kale( Castle) on top of Mount Pagos with a perfect view of the city. Then drive to Agora, which was first built by Greeks and then again during the reign of Marcus Aurelius. After this visit, walk through Kemeraltı, home for hundreds of small shops, warehouses, artisan stores, and some historical mosques of the city and stop for a drink at Kızlarağası Han(an old caravanserai) from the 18th century. From here, walk to the famous Clock Tower of Izmir and then drive(or walk) to the Archeological museum.

Right after the museum is the Historical Elevator with a perfect view of the Gulf of Izmir. You can finish your day in a cafe or restaurant at Kordonboyu, a promenade along the seafront.The price suggested below is for guiding only(on daily basis) and does not cover transportation, insurance, official documents or entrance fees, which can also be arranged upon request.

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