Berber cooking class

Язык Арабский, Английский, Французский
Стоимость 49 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 1 день

We will prepare our dishes in a family home in Tassa Ouirgane, a Berber village in the mountains at the entrance of the Toubkal National Park, about 65 km drive south of Marrakech. We also will have the opportunity to learn how to make bread the traditional way and attend a tea ceremony.

To come to Tassa Ouirgane, from Ouirgane or Marigha Times will be adapted in case we will pick you up in Marrakech, mules are waiting for us in Marigha and will carry us up to the village in about 1 ½ hour. After lunch we will start our way back to Marigha, walking along the gardens and we will visit the wheat mill of the village.

*** On Saturdays and Tuesdays , there is also the possibility to buy all fresh ingredients we need for cooking on the weekly Berber market in Asni or Tahanaout, where all people from the mountains in this area come to meet, talk, see a doctor and to do the shopping for the family for the next week or two. In this case, the car will take us directly to Tassa Ouirgane 1250 meter altitude after the stopover in Asni or Tahanaout. The way back from Tassa Ouirgane to Marigha´´ouirgane or Marrakech will be as described above.

You can choose what you would like to cook several dishes!


Moroccan Salad

Vegetables Soup

Zaalouk (eggplant salad)

Main Course:

couscous at your chose

Tajine kefta with eggs

Vegetarian Tagine

Beldi chicken Tagine

Chicken Tagine with lemons and olives

Chicken Tagine Makfoul

Beef Tagine with plums and apricots


berber patisserie

Oranges with cinnamon

fruits, according to season

berbere patisserie


Berber Experience and traditional cooking class

Berber villages

Toubkal national park

Get in touch with local Berber people

Berber local market on Saturday

Inclusions :

Pick-up and drop off at your accommodation

Local guide

Mule Pp


Water for the walk


English speaking driver

Air conditioner private vehicle 4×4 or minivan


Personal expenses

Gratuities (optional)

More Details:

Destination: Azzaden Valley

Availability: Everyday

Pick up time: 9:00 am if you are staying the area or 8:00 am from Marrakesh

Return time: 17:00 pm area time at 18:30 pm to Marrakech

duration: a day

Category: Private excursion or in group


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