Day tour in Romanian mountain villages

Язык Английский, румынский
Стоимость 74 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 8 часов

Day tour in Romanian mountain villages

Sustainable, local, eco tour

The beauty of Romania lies in its countryside!

This private tour takes you straight to the heart of rural life in Romania. See some local cottage industries, take a trek through the local mountain forests, and learn about a way of life that’s slowly disappearing. Also, we may visit Bran Castle a.k.a Dracula's Castle, in the morning.


Experience the traditional Transylvanian way of life on a private tour from Brașov to the rural villages of Pestera and Magura. We may visit Bran Castle a.k.a Dracula's Castle, in the morning. We do a walking tour in the area visiting the Bat Cave enjoying the landscapes and village life, interacting with the locals (3 - 4 hours, easy to medium, up to 12 km). Now, the Bat Cave is a national natural monument, part of the National Park “Piatra Craiului”. Cave entrance is through a narrow corridor, followed by a grotto and a gallery. You can admire the Jurassic limestone formations, formed over centuries, including so-called "tears of the earth". The cave is not electrified, in order not to change the natural habitat of the bats. Visit the oldest guesthouse in the National Park where we taste several varieties of handcrafted cheese, than we have a farm-fresh cuisine. With a flexible pace and the personalized attention of your guide, it’s a unique and authentic way to experience the Romanian countryside.


Private day trip to the authentic Romanian mountain villages of Pestera an Magura from Brașov

Discover the culture of the villages, nestled in Transylvania’s Piatra Craiului National Park mountain

Visit the oldest guesthouse in the National Park and sample two - three types of artisan cheese

Take a trek into the forests and meadows to see wild flowers and go inside of Bat cave

Savor lunch made from fresh, simple ingredients at the oldest guesthouse

Enjoy a flexible itinerary and the undivided attention of a guide on this private tour

In those 2 villages the people never died because of cancer or heart attack - they leave an healthy life: working the land, taking care of animals (sheep and cows), preparing and eating home made food from their small farm (meat, eggs, milk), drinking fresh water from the spring and home made alcoholic drink called "tuica" made from different fruits as apples, plumps, pears!

What You Can Expect

Sample traditional Romanian cheese on a private day trip to Magura and Pestera.

Nestled in the Piatra Craiului National Park Mountains in the Southern Carpathians, the villages of Pestera an Magura offer an authentic glimpse into rural Romanian life. Your immersive, full-day tour begins in central Brașov, where you’ll meet your local guide and board a private vehicle for the 45-minute drive to the village. Along the way, let your guide know if you have any specific interests so he or she can customize the day’s itinerary.

Learn about the history of the villages, where the traditional industries of sheep farming and cheese making are still practiced by many of the village’s. Visit the Bat Cave about 10 minutes. Next, set off into the surrounding hills and meadows og Magura village for a moderate guided hike for 2 to 3 hours. Let your guide know if you prefer to hike for longer or shorter, and go at a pace that’s comfortable to you.

Make a stop to the oldest guesthouse in the National Park. Meet some of the farmers, and sample two-three different kinds of cheese.

After working up an appetite, we have a hearty lunch. Savor simple Romanian cuisine homemade from local farm-fresh ingredients including eggs, vegetables or pork. Purchase beer or wine to top off your meal. From the guesthouse we have a walk in Pestera Village back to the car, about 1 hour. We can visit also the local church.

Relax on the scenic return drive to Brașov.

The package includes:

Private English speaking guide

Transport by private, air-conditioned car

Visit to the Bat Cave and to the oldest guesthouse in the National Park

Cheese tasting

3 – 4 hours trek on the hills, admiring flora and villages

Traditional lunch with eco products

Not included:

Food and drinks, unless specified

Gratuities (optional)


- 125 euro for 1 person (When you book the rate as 1 person, in case we have other clients, we refund the difference you paid as solo traveler, after the tour).

- 79 euro/person for minimum 2 people


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