Banglumphulang - Klongsan Community Tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 1800 THB за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 5 часов

Enjoy community Tour at Banglumphulang area in real local life, learn about history of Thonburi and taste street from local vendor. During the tour, our guide will show you the way of life of Thai people. You will see the stunning river view and explore the history and life of people in hundred years ago. We will taste food at local vendor to support the community.

We meet all travelers at a starting point

Starting points

BTS KrungThonburi Station Exit 3

End points

Icon Siam

Categories & themes

Product types: Tour

Tour modes: Walking, Tuk-Tuk

Themes: History, Sightseeing, Buddhism, Community and Food

Tour details

Total Duration: 5-6 hours


8.00 am. Morning Markey at Wat Sawet and Wat Sawet Community , Banglumphulang , 1 hour

9.00 am. Chareonakorn Street Art Area and Thai tea with Muslim roti, 1 hour

10.00 am. Tuk Tuk travel to Klongsan Area, 20-30 mins

10.30 am. Walking tour at Klongsan community : Guan Yu Shrine, Princess Mother Memorial Park ,Tha

Din Dang Market (One of the best place for street food in Thonburi),Wat Thongdhummachad,

Lhong 1919 , 3 hour

13.30 pm. Back to Icon Siam , 10-20 mins


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