Discovery of the grassfield region, the heart of culture and tradition in Cameroon.

Язык Английский, Французский
Стоимость 1850 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 3 дня

The Grassfield people of the Western Region are noted for a strong hold of customs and traditions. So, yearly from the Months of November to April, they usually organize cultural festivals in the different villages for varied purposes like enthronement, initiation into secret cults, funerals anniversaries or to celebrate their Sovereignty where they show case their cultures to the general public . *. Day-1 Friday :

Departure in an air conditioned vehicle from Hotel for Bafoussam, passing through Obala, Bafia, Bagante, then to Bafoussam in about 5h12mins drive covering a distance of about 300km.

Arrival , check-in and installation , diner and night in Hotel.

*Day-2 Saturday :

After breakfast, check-out and guided visit to the Royal Palace of Bafoussm ,Bandjoun, museum of Baham, then return to Bafoussam, and departure for Foumban to visit the Sultanat, passing through Koutaba, through Foumbot to visit the tomatoes plantation.

Arrival in Foumban and installation in Hotel, lunch., diner and night in hotel.

During the afternoon, visit of the Sultanat of the Bamoum Sultan., the Royal museum, the handicraft village of blacksmiths , potters and colourful painting and the Foumban market. Diner and night in Hotel.

* Day-3 Sunday :

Breakfast at 6:00am , departure for Yaounde through Dschang, Melon, visit of the Mitche fall, continuation to Bana, lunch in Bana Hotel then departure to Yaounde and arrival at the end of the day.

End of services.

N.B. The price include the following:

* lodging twin beds

*fullboard feeding + a bottle of water.

* transportation+driver+ petrol

*toll gate

*professional Guide

* local Guide

* entrances into 3 Royal palaces; . *entrances into 2 museums If you will like to have an experience in any of the cultural festivals, do let me know so I redo a customized tour for you including the Cultural event. Thank you.


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