Shopping with Brandy

Язык Армянский, Английский, Русский
Стоимость 55 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 4 часа

I offer you an unforgettable shopping tour to the Ararat and Noah brandy factories and shopping at the Vernissage and Gum markets in a new and comfortable Mercedes-benz car and exclusive services in Armenia.

Your comfort is my main priority!

Amaze yourself with me!

The excursion starts at 12:00 at the location you specified

1 point

Noy Cognac Factory is located in front of Ararat Factory, next to the City Hall and Victory Bridge. The plant was built in 1877 by the merchant Nerses Tairian, who decided to start producing wine and was helped by his relative, by the legendary artist O. Ayvazovsky. The plant is located inside the famous Erivan fortress, built in the 16th century by Farad Pasha. Inside you will find a wonderful excursion program in the cellar, catacombs and a tasting room, and in front of the entrance there is a lovely shop where you can make purchases.

2 points

One of the pride of the Armenian nation is the legendary Ararat Brandy Factory. After the construction in 1887 by Nerses Tairyan, the plant was sold to Nikolai Shustov and continued its development under his leadership. In 1900, during the "Blind Tasting" in France, he first gained worldwide fame, a gold medal and the right to use the word cognac instead of brandy. During the Soviet Union time, the legendary cognac was transported to the Kremlin for a long time, and according to legend, it was Winston Churchill's favorite cognac.For several years in a row he was awarded the Product of the Year in Russia. Inside there is a museum with an excursion program in several languages, cognac tasting room and a shop where you can shop for yourself and for your loved ones.

3 points

Operating since the days of the USSR, the GUM market is located on Khorenatsi street, next to the Tashir shopping center, and currently considered as the unofficial central market of Yerevan. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the old complex was destroyed, after which the warehouse next to the old market was reopened, and the name was left the same (GUM-Main Department Store). The market has a fairly large territory where you can buy a variety of delicious fruits, dried fruits, Armenian bread-lavash, meat and fish, and this all from the first village hands.

4 point

Vernissage is located near Republic Square and stretches to the monument of Vardan Mamikonyan. The history of the famous Vernissage market dates back to 1980, when Armenian artists sold their paintings. After that, the artists moved to Saryan Park, and instead of them, sellers of souvenirs came there. Gradually, the market expanded and turned into a market of national handicrafts in the open air, receiving the French name Vernissage. There you will have a great opportunity to buy gifts for your family and friends, as well as purchase something for yourself.

Excursion Include:

Guide service

Photo service

Treats in the car

Free Wi-Fi

Transportation expenses

Hotel pick-up & drop-off

Excursion exclude:


Sightseeing Tickets

Payment of the excursion charged in the beginning of the tour


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