05 Days/ Myeik Island saferi from Yangon

Язык Английский
Стоимость 250 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 4 дня

Day 01 Yangon- Myeik (by overnight coach)

You will be picked up from your hotel in Yangon at 1:00 pm and then transfer to the Highway bus terminal.

Day 02 Myeik City - Dome Island (by private boat) ( - / L/ D )

Arriving in Myeik around 10:00 am, drive to the Seik Nge pier where our boat and crew members are waiting for your island hopping trip.

We will cruise towards Dome Island. By passing through water passage of Islands, you will see some mangrove forests and some aquatic animals and shorebirds living there as their habitats.

Dome waterfall cascades down from above right into the sea. Have a refreshing bath by climbing up to a higher level of the waterfall. Mind your steps as the rocks are slippery.

Lunch will be served on board while cruising.

Then continue to Dome Nyaung Mine Village where local fisherman shares the place with Sea Gypsy or Moken people. Have a chatting with them and take the photo with them.

Then head to the North West Shore of Dome Island where there is your campsite located. After resting for a while, you can go swimming and snorkeling around the beach.

Stay overnight onboard near the beach of base camp.

Day 03 Dome Island - Smart (Par Pant) Island (by private boat) (B / L/ D)

After breakfast on board, we will start jungle trekking and hiking on the Island. Go along the small stream full of stone till you reach to the top of a mountain that offers a breathtaking view of the sea. Then return to the base camp.

We will cruise towards Smart Island for snorkeling and underwater exploration. Go for a snorkel in clear and calm water to have a look for small underwater stuff. Taking a short walk across the jungle, you will reach another side of the island where the beach is made up of pale blue color gravel of different size.

Lunch will be served on board. Enjoy your entire evening by swimming, snorkeling, relaxing, and reading booking on the cruise.

Stay overnight on board near the beach of Smart Island.

Day 04 Smart Island - Lin Long Bay - Myeik (by private boat) ( B / L/ - )

After breakfast on board, cruise to Lin long Aw (Bay) to visit a small fishing village. The community there is now operating LMMA (Locally managed marine protected area) on the sea around their place to maintain their fishery resources and coral reef by themselves. Find out how this management system is going.

Have lunch at one of the local houses in this village. Return to Myeik by private boat.

And then transfer to the bus terminal for your overnight coach to Yangon.

Day 05 Myeik - Yangon (B / - / - )

You arrive at Yangon in the early morning and transfer to your hotel or airport.

The tour itinerary might change according to weather conditions and tide. Please NOTE that this private boat trip runs only from October to April.

The overnight coaches from Yangon to Myeik will take 18 hours. Instead of it, you can fly to Myeik with MNA airline.

Meeting or Pickup Location: Your hotel in Yangon/your suggested location in Yangon.

What is included in the Tour, Activity or Experience: professional English-speaking guide service.


The other expenses that you have to use are for

-Return ticket for an overnight coach from Yangon to Myeik or Flight ticket

-Three days chartered boat trip including meals

- Expenses of personal nature


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