Great Budapest Tour

Язык Английский, Немецкий, Венгерский
Стоимость 160 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 8 часов

We start our walk at Heroes' square. You will get to know Hungary’s history while we look at the sculptures of important leading historical figures, the Milleneum Monument We continue our walk in the City park. I will show you a very nice, fairy tale-like castle, one of our famous, historical baths and nice buildings of the Zoo. We walk along the Andrássy avenue and discover the Jewish Quarter with its synagogue triangle, kosher shops, cafés. We will walk along streets of the former ghetto where you can hear about the history of the Jewish Quarter.I will show you St. Stephen's Basilica, you will have the possibility to go inside and up to the tower where you can find a beautiful panorama.We walk around the Kossuth square and see the House of Parliament from the outside, surrounded by nice art nouveau buildings. We walk along the Danube promenade and I show you "the Shoes on the Danube Bank" memorial which was created to honour the Jews murdered during WWII by fascists. We cross through Budapest’s first bridge, the Chain Bridge and walk up to Castle Hill through the Castle Garden Bazaar. I will show you the baroque streets of Castle district, the Royal Palace, the Prime Minister’s and the President’s Residences, the Matthias Church and Fisherman’s Bastion. I will tell you interesting stories about the medieval Buda and the former Jewish district. You will have a stunning view from the Castle Hill with plenty of opportunities for nice photos.


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