Discover Pest Tour

Язык Английский, Немецкий, Венгерский
Стоимость 100 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 4 часа

We start our walk at Budapest’s biggest and most visited square which is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. You will hear about Hungary’s history and interesting stories about the square itself. We look at the square's famous statues and the surrounding nice buildings of the Museum of Fine Arts and the Hall of Arts. We will continue our walk to the biggest park of Budapest, the City park. I will show you a very nice, fairytale-like castle, one of our famous, historical baths and nice buildings of the Zoo.

We will take the Metro Line 1, which is part of the UNESCO World Heritage. We stop to see the State Opera House and nice buildings on the Andrássy Avenue. We will have a coffe break in a historical Café. We visit the St. Stephen's Basilica, you have the possibility to go inside and up to the tower and have a beautiful view from there. We walk around the Kossuth square and will see the House of Parliament from outside and nice art nouve buildings. We walk along the Danube promenade and I show you "the Shoes on the Danube Bank" memorial which was created to honoure the Jews who were killed during WW II by fascists. We walk to Szabadság square and look at the statue complex. This memorial is highly disputed from the beginning of its construction, you will hear the history and also we discover the "Living memorial" which was initiated by the citizens. We walk along to Széchenyi square and I will show you the Gresham palace, building of MTA, nice 5 stars hotels, restaurants, bars and our beautiful Danube river bank. From here you have a stunning view on Buda side, the Buda Castle, Gellért hill and Széchenyi and Erzsébet bridges.


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