Palo Verde National Park Tour in Guanacaste

Язык Английский
Стоимость 90 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 6 часов

This national park is one of the 12 sites in Costa Rica protected by the RAMSAR international convention, focused on the conservation and wise use of wetlands. The Tempisque River is the main tributary that floods the wetlands of the Palo Verde National Park. The location of this river in the middle of the dry forest is a vital resource for the wetland and for all the wildlife that travels within the protected area.

The birdlife is very rich with species such as tiger heron, osprey, kingfisher, gray heron, blue heron, and many others. The emblematic species that inhabits this ecosystem is an aquatic bird, in danger of extinction: the Jabirú, the largest stork in the world.

This is a very important area for the conservation of the American crocodile, housing the second most important population in the country. Let us show this important ecosystem through a guided boat trip in Tempisque river for approximately 1.45 hrs.

Once the boat activity ends, the Trapiche (sugarmill) will be visited where part of the sugarcane process will be displayed. This activity is the last part of the tour and last approximately 30 minutes.

Tour Duration

Half day


Bilingual guide, Transportation with AC, Ticket to the National Park, Water and Snacks

What to Bring

Mask, Hat, Camera, Binoculars, Repellent, Sunscreen, Sunglasses and Money.


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