Mega Combo Tour in Guanacaste

Язык Английский, Испанский
Стоимость 120 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 10 часов

A short walk on a path between the primary forest will guide you to the first platform of the canopy, from there start the route through the cables to complete the 14 platforms connected by 7 cables with a length between 210 and 1200 feet.

Once the canopy is finished, you will visit “La Fonda” (establishment for food and drinks) where you will taste different types of breads made from corn. You will also have the opportunity to observe a demonstration of the sugarcane culture and try some of its derived products such as cane juice, and jaggery, Finally, in this same station, a little about the Chorotega pottery process elaborated by artisans from the town of Guaitil will be explained.

The next adrenaline activity is the slide with a length of 1200 feet. After lunch, the last block of activities begins: ride to the hot spring spa for 30 minutes, once in the place you can enjoy the sauna, the volcanic mud, and the 5 hot water pools. For this last relaxation activity, you will spend 1 hour and 30 minutes at the place.


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