Язык Английский
Стоимость 310 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 8 часов

NIZWA, JEBEL AKHDAR TOUR (Duration: 08 Hours - 340 KM BY 4WD)

We depart from Muscat and proceed to visit the Nizwa Round tower Fort & the Nizwa Souk. Drive to the pretty village of Birkat Al Mauz. Enjoy a walk through the lush green date plantations . We proceed to Wadi Al Madeen , where the entry permits have to be shown. From here a 36 km stretch of winding road takes one to Jebel Akhdar (2000 mts above sea level) the green jewel of the Al Hajjar mountain ranges, a truly unique spot in the Arabian Peninsula. Enjoy the cool climate up in the mountains.

Al Jebel Al Akhdar is famed for its fruit orchards typically laid out terrace style along the slopes of mountains, which are endowed with natural springs and falaj. A large variety of fresh fruits such as peaches, apricot, fig, grapes, apple, pears, plums, almond, walnuts are grown here. The region is well known for the pomegranate fruit which is of a very superior quality.

The villages of Saiq, Wadi Bani Habib (the village of the old houses) & Al Ain dot the landscape. The villages overlook a spectacular landscape of dramatic peaks , gorges and wadis. The roses of Jabal Al Akhdar fill the air with fragrance when in full bloom (March / April). Rose water is distilled in the homes of the villagers. (It is advisable to wear light comfortable clothing and walking shoes).


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