Язык Английский
Стоимость 300 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 7 часов

Enjoy a full day, easy and simple ride on this great country mountain range like the way the huasos do. Patagonia Trails brings you and your family or friends to the countryside by horseback.

Departure from your hotel in Puerto Varas to the lovely Petrohue river bank which goes across the private Fundo. After a safety briefing, we will cross the Petrohue river on a floating rubber dinghy and meet the horses. Our ride has begun!

Bordering the river along the native forest’s paths and enjoying the pace of the horses on this particular scenery mixed with Valdivian forest and mountain scenery. The working ranch owns an important herd of red deer, which we will be able to spot from the horses. The trail follows to the amazing cascade on a secondary river that joins the Petrohue; we will cross by horse and dismount to continue by foot just 4 minutes walk to the waterfall with spectacular exuberant vegetation. Later we will return back where we had left the horses and return to the lodge through a different way crossing rivers and with the Volcan Osorno on our back. Once back at the Lodge a local barbecue will be served with local flavors including water, wine or beer. Later in the evening we will begun our trip back to Puerto Varas,

Starts and ends at: 9.00 am hs Puerto Varas. 6.00 pm.

Location: Lake District, South of Chile.

Duration: 4.00 hours ride. 50 minutes drive from Pto Varas. o/w

Difficulty level: Easy.

Terrain, hilly, open ground and single trails for horses only.

Transportation: Private vehicle leaving from Puerto Varas.

Equipment to bring: Warm clothes according to weather and time of the year. Comfortable and not too tight pants adequate for horse riding, trekking shoes, rain jacket, sun and skin protection (sunglasses, hat) small bag for carrying camera and personal items.

Guide: English knowledgeable in native flora and fauna.

Safety: Emergency equipment and first aid kit.

Included: Helmet, horses for different riders’ ability. Waterproof poncho in case of rain. Accident insurance. Asado barbecue lunch including water, 1 bottle of wine every 3 people and beer.


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